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As it was, General Ivanov, who had crossed the Khyber Pass, came upon the English rearguard, and five thousand men of the Anglo-Indian troops had to surrender after a short struggle. Two thousand English and three thousand Mohammedans fell into the hands of the Russians.

Ivanov the forester came out on to the door-step which had already dried, and lighted a cigarette; it burned but slowly in the moist atmosphere of the deepening twilight. "It will be hot, Mitrich, thank God!" remarked the watchman, Ignat, as he passed by with some buckets.... "Snipe will be about to-morrow, and we will have to hunt right into Easter."

I am bored ... I returned here in a happy mood, not even thinking of you, and now all at once I feel wretched.... Oh, those perfumes! How they torment me...." She passed her hand over her face, then was silent. Ivanov sat up. "What is the matter Lida? What do you want?" he asked drowsily, and he lighted a cigarette. The light shone on them as they sat half- dressed on the sofa.

Lydia walked with her usual brisk, even tread, carrying herself with the smooth, elastic bearing and graceful swing of her beautiful body that Ivanov remembered so well. She raised the piano-cover and began playing a dashing bravura that was strikingly out of place in the dismantled room, then she closed the piano-lid with a slam. Aganka entered with the tea on a tray.

Their rugged forms their chest, knees and chins were clearly discernible in the lights they carried. They all strolled up a narrow pathway, but one light withdrew from the rest and moved along a short cut that led to the watch-house it was Arina's. Ivanov held Gek in tightly, the dog was straining to rush down the embankment.

He regards it as extravagance to pay for having his hair cut and is waiting for the hair to grow of itself on the shaven side. He danced at the wedding in that condition. PYOTR PETROVITCH STRIZHIN, the nephew of Madame Ivanov, the colonel's widow the man whose new goloshes were stolen last year, came home from a christening party at two o'clock in the morning.

The country's Deputy Foreign Minister, Lyubomir Ivanov, confirmed in another radio interview that the Americans pledged that Iraqi debts to Bulgaria will be fully paid. This can amount to dozens of millions of US dollars in fresh money. Is this Bulgaria's price? Unlikely.

On the morning of the 14th General Voyeykov briefly summarized the situation to the czar, then added that General Ivanov, the one commander at the front who still remained faithful to the autocracy, was advancing on Petrograd with a regiment of picked men and he would soon restore order. General Tsabel overheard this conversation.

"And for me Moscow as ever wine, theatres, cafes, Mintz, an eternal hurly-burly ... I am sick of it!" "I cannot help you, Lida. I too am sick of all that, but now I am at peace. We must all work out our own salvation." Ivanov spoke very quietly and simply. Lydia Constantinovna sat bowed and motionless, as if fearing to move, clasping her knees with both hands.

One may work here, one may even ... marry ... You have never painted, have you?" "No." Mintz was silent, then suddenly said in a low tone: "Look here! We have some brandy. Shall we have a drink?" "No, thank you. I want to sleep. Good night." "I want to talk!" Ivanov extinguished the candle, through custom finding his bread and milk in the dark, and hastily consumed it without sitting down.