United States or Austria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And with this idea paramount in his brain he gave himself up to the humour of the hour and by and by heads were turned in his direction, and people whispered 'Is that the parson of the parish? and when the answer was given in the affirmative, wondering glances were exchanged, and someone at the other end of the table remarked sotto voce: 'Much too brilliant a man for the country! whereat Miss Arabella Ittlethwaite bridled up and said she 'hoped nobody thought that town offered the only samples of the human brain worth noticing, as she would, in that case, 'beg to differ. Whereat there ensued a lively discussion, which ended, so far as the general experience went, in the decision that clever men were always born or discovered in the country, but that after a while they invariably went up to town, and there became famous.

He felt, but what he felt is quite immaterial. And so far as his daughter was concerned, she, as Bainton expressed it, had 'gone a' visitin'. The Ittlethwaites, of Ittlethwaite Park, in all the glory of their Magnum Chartus forebears were present, as were the Mandeville-Porehams while to Julian Adderley was given the honour of being Walden's 'best man. He, as the music of the wedding voluntary poured from the organ, through the flower-scented air, wondered doubtfully whether poetic inspiration would ever assist him in such wise as to enable him to express in language the exquisite sweetness of Maryllia's face, as, standing beside the man whose tender and loyal love she was surer of than any other possession in this world she repeated in soft accents the vow: "to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey till death do us part!"

I've listened to the Bludlip Courtenay woman's enthusiastic description of a new specific for the eradication of wrinkles and crowsfeet. I've listened to that old bore Sir Morton Pippitt, and to the afflicting county gossip of the lady in green, Miss Ittlethwaite is her name, I believe.

Sir Morton Pippitt fired off bumptious observations at Walden, who paid no heed to them Bruce Ittlethwaite of Ittlethwaite Park, found a congenial spirit in Lord Charlemont, and talked sport right through the repast and Louis Gigue enlivened the table by a sudden discussion with Mr. Marius Longford, relative to the position of art in Great Britain.

Something unusually pleasant seemed to animate the faces of all who composed the hunting train as they came into view, Miss Arabella Ittlethwaite, for example, portly of bulk though she was, sat in her saddle with an almost mirthful lightness, her good-natured fat face all smiles, while her brother Bruce, laughing heartily over something which had evidently tickled his fancy, looked more like thirty than sixty, so admirably did his 'pink' become him, and so excellently well did he ride.

Gradually the crowd of horses and riders increased, men from the county-town itself, farmers from the more outlying parts of the neighbourhood, and some of the Badsworth Hall tenantry, having arrived too late at Ittlethwaite Park for the actual meet, now came hurriedly galloping up, and among these last was Oliver Leach.

"Then that's settled!" said Maryllia, with a sigh of relief. "Depart, Mordaunt Applebys into the limbo of forgotten callers!"-and she tossed the cards aside-"Here are the Pippitt names,-I small remember them all right-Pip-pitt and Ittlethwaite have a tendency to raise blisters of memory on the brain. What is this neat looking little bit of pasteboard-' The Rev.

There is no other large place in the neighbourhood except Miss Vancourt's own Manor, and Ittlethwaite Park I doubt whether you could have employed the Ittlethwaites to much purpose " "Spare me the suggestion!" yawned Roxmouth "I should not have tried!"

And though I give you permission to call on me at my own home, just to save you the trouble of telling Aunt Emily that her 'eccentric' niece was too 'peculiar' to admit you there, I reserve to myself the right at any moment to shut the door against you." She moved from him then, and seeing the Ittlethwaites of Ittlethwaite Park, went to speak to them.

He watched her as she received part of the 'county' in the Ittlethwaites of Ittlethwaite Park, with a charming smile of welcome for Bruce Ittlethwaite, a lively bachelor of sixty, and for his eldest sister Arabella, some ten years younger, a lady whose portly form was attired in a wonderful apple-green satin, trimmed with priceless lace, the latter entirely lost as an article of value, among the misshapen folds of the green gown, which had been created, no doubt, by some local dressmaker, whose ideas were evidently more voluminous than artistic.