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I detarmined then, as soon as we shed git alongside, to put out for it, an' leave the painter to continue his voyage 'ithout me. "When I fust sighted the island I seed somethin' that; hed tuk for bushes. But thur wan't no bushes on the mound that I knowd. "Howsomdever, when we got a leetle closter, I diskivered that the bushes wur beests.

Tombs, you don't know who you're talking about!" "Yes, I do, brotheh. I was jess so! An' s' I, he'll pull through! His motheh's prayers 'll prevail, evm if mine don't! An' now, when ev'ybody sees you a-changin' faw the better " "Better! Great Sc " "Yes, an' yet 'ithout the least sign o' conversion I say, s' I, it's restrainin' grace! Ah! don't I know?

Let me tell yer, Mister Gilt Buttons, I don't 'low any man white, black, or Injun to enter my clarin' 'ithout fust knowin' his reezun. Ye hear that, d'ye?" "Your clearing! Are you sure it is yours?" The squatter turned red upon the instant.

I didn't try to go any nearer the middle o' the log; but instead of that, I wriggled back until I wur right plum on the eend of it, an' could git no further. "Thur I sot for a good long spell 'ithout movin' hand or foot. I dasen't make a motion, as I wur afeard it mout tempt the varmint to attackt me.

Belike enuf, the skunk tuk him back the same night, and then come agin 'ithout him; or Kipp might a sent a nigger to fetch him?" "But Holt's own horse the old `critter, as you call him?" "That diz need explainin'. He must a left him ahind. He culdn't a tuk him in the dug-out; besides, he wan't worth takin' along. The old thing war clean wore out, an' wuldn't a sold for his weight in corn-shucks.

"Now fix the snares roun' thar thrapples. Make the other eends fast by giein' them a wheen o' turn over them branches above. See as ye draw 'em tight 'ithout streetchin'." Walt's orders are carried out quickly, and to the letter, for the men executing them now comprehend what is meant. They also, too well, who are seated upon the backs of the mules. It is an old trick of their own.

"Can't a chap call on his feyther 'ithout the Midland counties turnin' out to look at him?" Snac asked, smilingly. "Yis," returned the ancient, who was conveniently deaf on a sudden. "Theer's been no such fine ripenin' weather for the wheat sence I wur a lad." Snac gave the riding-whip he carried a burlesque threatening flourish, and the old boy grinned humorously.

"Well, Uncle Billy, I got lost in Wilkesbarre; I wasn't used to it, an' I went into a saloon there, an' they got all my money, an' I got onto the train 'ithout a ticket, an' the conductor put me off, an' I had to walk the rest o' the way home; an' I'm pirty tired, an' dirty, an' 'shamed." Sharpman laughed aloud.

"Wall, Captin', ef yon glasheer war to give off a berg, any sort of a big 'un, it mout be the means o' leavin' us 'ithout any boat at all." "But how?" "How? Why, by swampin' or smashin' the only one we've got, the which " "Thunder an' airthquakes! See yonder! The very thing we're talkin' 'bout, I vow!" No need for him to explain his words and excited exclamations.

"Ef't warn't for the need o' 'em jest now, I say the Staked Plain air better 'ithout 'em, as wu'd anywars else. Why can't she an' me be tied thegither 'ithout any sech senseless saramony? Walt Wilder wants no mumblin' o' prayers at splicin' him to the gurl he's choosed for his partner. An' why shed thar be, supposin' we both gie our mutooal promises one to the tother?" "True.