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The high summits are those of Cofre del Perote, 13,400 feet; Origava, 17,870 feet; Istaccihuatl, or the White Woman, 16,000 feet, and the famous Popocatapetl, known as "Smoking Mountain," which lifts its fire-scarred head 17,800 feet above the level of the ocean.

Higher still may be seen the glaciers glittering in the sun; and, last of all, the perpetual snow surrounding the crater, which was visited for the first time in 1847, by M. Doignon, a Frenchman." "Popocatepetl, Istaccihuatl," said l'Encuerado gravely, pointing out the mountains.

I've seen the silver mines and Popocatepetl and Istaccihuatl, and I don't care to ever see any higher mountains than they are." "I have seen Popocatepetl," she said, "and it almost made me have the headache. They say it is full of sulphur, to make gunpowder with." Before she could tell anything more about the possible uses of the tall, old volcano, her mother reëntered the parlor.

"No; on the contrary, it does not measure less than 18,000 feet in height. Dias Ordas, one of the captains of Fernando Cortez, made its first ascent. Its name signifies 'smoking mountain." "Yes; and I know that Istaccihuatl means 'white woman; but I do not know the height of it." "It is 15,700 feet above the level of the sea." "How can mountains like these be measured?" asked Lucien.