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Silvery cloud-banks heightened the deep blue of the sky, and their slowly-floating shadows intensified the brightness of the sunlight. "Ueberall Sonnenschein!" said the nature-loving German. "Ach, 's ist ein wunderschönes Land!" Brent saw him enter the yard, and came to the door to meet him.

At nightfall, grandma bade us wipe the dishes quickly as possible, at which Georgia proposed a race to see whether she could wash fast enough to keep us busy, and we got into a frolicsome mood, which grandma put an end to with the sobering remark: "Oh, be not so worldly-minded. John ist very bad to-night. I be in a hurry to go back to him, and you must hold the candle."

So, on them grounds, I votes that we j'ine company an' go to work at seven o'clock to-morrow mornin'." "Das ist goot advise," said the German, slapping Joe on the shoulder, "an' I vould add mine vott, vich is, to make you commandair of de forces." "Very good, then I command you to shut your mouth, and go to bed." "Unpossabil," replied Meyer, "for I do snor, an' always do him troo de mout'."

Paul, 'As dying, and behold we live; nay, he wished not to be freed of his burden, should his God and Saviour be glorified thereby. Luther's famous hymn, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, appeared for the first time, as has been recently proved, in a little hymn-book, about the beginning of the following year. We can see in it indeed a proof how anxious was that time for Luther.

"If you had told Aunt Margaret what you wanted to do, and asked her for the cookies she would have given them to you." "But I was 'fraid she wouldn't, and you ist had to have it." "Not if it was wrong for me to have it, Billy. I don't want it that much." "Must I take it back?" "You think hard, and decide yourself."

Bug, what do you say when you want to keep from doing wrong?" Bug looked up confidingly. "I ist say, 'Dod, be merciless to me, a sinner'." "Why not merciful, Bug?" "Tause! If He's merciful it's too easy and I'm no dooder," Bug said, wisely. "Who told you the difference?" Burgess asked. "Vic. He knows a lot. I wish I had my ball, but let's go up the river."

"Dat ist ferry easy; 'down rent, eh?" "Sartain Jarman, eh? you no spy? you no sent here by gubbernor, eh? landlord no pay you, eh?" "Vhat might I spy? Dere ist nothin' do spy, but mans vid calico faces. Vhy been you afraid of der governor? I dinks der governors be ferry goot frients of der anti-rents." "Not when we act this way. Send horse, send foot a'ter us, den.

There were still the Ist, IId, and IVth Corps, 100,000 men; but they were not at first included, as the means of railway transport were engaged for twenty-one days. The 17th Division and the Landwehr troops were told off to defend the coast.

Take the English words house, father, mother, brother, water, here, is, etc. The German words which mean the same are haus, vater, mutter, bruder, wasser, hier, ist. It is very plain that the two languages must have come from the same source. There are professors in European colleges who have spent their whole lives studying this relationship of languages.