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You mayn't like it over here so well then." Ashton flushed and laughed at the older man's shrewdness; hesitated, and confessed candidly: "No, I should prefer Denver in winter." Miss Isobel blushed in adorable payment of his compliment, but thrust back at him: "We bar cowboys in the Sacred Thirty-six." He winced. Her stroke had pierced into his raw wound. "Oh! oh!" she breathlessly exclaimed.

Still, he would not alter his decision, partly because to do so must interfere with his plans, and he was a very obstinate man, and partly because he refused to be beaten by Isobel. This was, he felt, a trial of strength between them, and if he gave way now, she would be master. His wife's welfare did not enter into his calculations.

Her voice had a totally different tone from that of Isobel it was a low, almost caressing voice, with a vaguely husky note in it, fascinating in a way, yet although I found myself unable to account for the fact, vaguely uncanny queer. "Please excuse me," she said.

The party was spoiled for Isobel; not so for Gyp who, besides having had the jolliest sort of a time herself, was bursting with satisfaction because Jerry had "captured" the most popular boy in the room. "He sat out six dances with you I counted! He took you to supper I heard him ask you, Jerry Travis, if you were going out to the school Frolic.

Aunt Maria was more "duchessy" than ever in her dinner dress. Jewels shone in the great puff of snowy hair that lay like a crown about her head. She sat very straight, as even a make-believe duchess should, and led the conversation. To do so was very easy, for everyone agreed with everything she said, remarked Isobel with pathetic enthusiasm. Behind her smile Mrs.

Jerry was leading Isobel and Gyp down the trail from Rocky Top. Baskets, swinging from their shoulders, told of the jolly day's outing. Isobel and Gyp were dressed in khaki middies and short skirts; Isobel's hair was drawn back simply from her face and bound with a bright red ribbon; Gyp's cheeks were tanned a ruddy brown, against which her lips shone scarlet.

"Then perhaps you will know by tomorrow night?" exclaimed Isobel. "Yes." "Well, that's something," said the cowman. "I'll take you out first thing in the morning. Lafe, show Mr. Blake the wash bench. There goes the first gong." When, a little later, all came together again at the supper table, nothing more was said about the vexed question of irrigation.

The main thing is to get her out of town before that hound can get here. Don't you think either Ranny or Isobel had better take her on to New York to-morrow?" Quin returned to the Martels' breathing easily for the first time in twenty-four hours. As he passed Rose's room on the way to his own, he saw a light over the transom, and heard the girls' voices rising in heated argument.

"Well, that is not so very formidable. Anyhow, it is a. comfort that we shall have no one here today." "You will have the whole regiment here in a few minutes, Isobel, but they will be coming to see the Doctor, not you; if it hadn't been that they knew you were under his charge everyone would have come down to meet him when he arrived.

Both Isobel and Gyp, from thinking that no woman in the world was good enough for Uncle Johnny, had now veered around to the happy conviction that heaven had patterned Barbara Lee especially for Uncle Johnny's pleasure. They beamed upon the engagement with such approval that even Uncle Johnny, head over heels in love as he was, grew a little embarrassed by their enthusiasm.