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But though they were long alone, without a listener, Elias refused to impart the matter of his news, bidding Iskender wait till the Emîr gave audience. "Ah, I assure thee, news of price!" he repeated, hugging himself, with big round eyes of mystery. The news, when Elias did at last reveal it, was simply another of his wondrous stories.

That same evening, as he sat in his house, enjoying a ray of pallid sunshine sent through the branches of a leafless fig-tree which stretched its gnarled, grey twisted arms before his door, Yuhanna Mahbûb came to him with an angry brow. "What is this I hear about Iskender?" he inquired. "Within this hour I have returned with my party from El Cuds.

However, he repeated divers formulas reputed potent to avert the evil; and when, from a high point of the dunes, he saw the minarets and the square roofs of the town standing forth clear and white with the blue sea for background, beyond the gardens freshened by the rain, he clean forgot misgivings. The love Iskender bore to his Emîr transfigured every detail of familiar life.

But Elias, as if of fixed intent to thwart him, stood always in the way, annihilating the unhappy youth with condescension, bidding him cheer up and amuse his Honour. Iskender heard his rattle with a stupid admiration which the Emîr's applauding laughter made quite envious. He himself had fallen to the level of a mere serving-lad, to run his Honour's errands and be tipped occasionally.

Iskender was muttering that he must think them out, that they were not yet quite clear in his mind, when Nesîbeh cried from the inner room: "Hear him not, O my father! The low dog is mocking thee. Force him to be baptized, or drive him forth!"

"In sh' Allah!" echoed Iskender in great astonishment; for it had that minute occurred to him that he had no real knowledge of the whereabouts of the place to which he had undertaken to conduct his patron, beyond what Elias had implied, that it was somewhere in the neighbourhood of Wady Mûsa.

It would put the missionaries in a perfect fury, since an Orthodox priest was the devil in their eyes; and was certain to rouse the cupidity of other people. Allah had blessed Iskender with the friendship of a mighty prince. She bade him keep the blessing to himself, not let it waste away in gifts to strangers. Her words confirmed the counsel of the wise Abdullah.

Having cared for the horse, he went indoors and told his errand, seeking tidings of the chase; and presently his host went out to make inquiries. He returned to declare, upon authority of an officer of the watch, that no party resembling that described had entered the town. Now Iskender had named this city many times as lying in the direct road to the seat of treasure.

I show you sefral things you neffer seen!" said Elias, when the bell had rung for lunch. The Emîr consented. "You see, he hears me!" cried the dragoman with exultation, when he and Iskender were once more alone together. "Confide in me, and I will lead him back towards thee!" The touch of patronage entombed Iskender. His Emîr, to be led to him by Elias!

She was still sitting there, at play with some glass beads, when her father returned. "Praise be to Allah!" exclaimed Mîtri, striding in and sitting down beside Iskender. As soon as he recovered breath, he told his story. He had seen the secretary of the caimmacâm, and from him had learnt that the English consul was Iskender's chief accuser.