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"It jumped thirty per-cent, and I scarcely breathed on it." After a few more checks on the operation of the phase control, he turned to the power control for the magnetic field. Carefully, Ishie lowered the field strength, eye on the readout panel. As the field strength lowered, the reading increased.

Millie Williams' soft voice said "May I come in?" The two looked up as the slender figure of the dark-skinned biologist entered the lab, balancing "trays" with plastic bottles atop. "If I know you, Dr. Ishie; and you, too, Mike you haven't eaten," she said with a smile. "Now, have you?"

"Ishie," said Mike, "the captain's in trouble, and he's asking us to listen in on what goes on the bridge. He's left his intercom open. "Now I've got a mission to accomplish; and you can't leave here, because this post's got to be operational. But you can listen and do whatever the captain tells you.

There, then, were two of the components that Ishie had built into his device. A strong magnetic field supplied by the magnaswedge coils stolen magnaswedge coils if you please and a rotating RF field supplied by the generator below the chassis. But this third effect? The DC electric field? That one was new to him.

And anyhow, we don't want to give another jerk on Hot Rod. We might jerk something loose this time. We've already wiped out Thule Base and there's no use adding scalps to an already full belt." "O.K.," said Ishie.

"I got in the shuttle, thought it went to the Base; I'd learned my trade; there I'd take my place Safely on Earth; but I found me in space I'd went where I wasn't going!" "What's that song?" asked Ishie of the spaceman. "Oh, that's just 'The Spaceman's Lament. You make it up as you go along." His voice grew louder, taking the minor, wailing key at a volume the others could hear.

Mike hesitated at the entrance to his engineering quarters, considering whether to shut the bulkhead, but discarded the idea as being more of an attention-getter than a seal for secrecy. He gestured Ishie to the bunk, and parked himself at his console. "We're in trouble," he said. "You and I together are responsible for the first space attack on Earth."

"We're not stuck not just stuck here in orbit any longer, waiting to see what's going on on Earth," she said softly, "or what they're going to do about us 'mad scientists. Mike and Ishie started this whole thing when one of their experiments turned out to be a space drive, and the boys are working real hard on getting a drive unit set up capable of taking our whole complex out into space.

Gently removing the work piece from its mounting, he turned to the open double bulkhead that served as an air lock in emergencies and that separated his shop from the physics lab beyond, where Dr. Y. Chi Tung, popularly known as Ishie, was busy over a haywire rig, Chief Engineer Mike Blackhawk and Tombu beside him. Reverently, Dr. Chi took the part from Paul's hands.

Ishie groaned, depressed the cutoff switch and turned to Mike. "You fixed it," he said. "If a simple question like that gets an answer like that, how long do you think it will take the captain to find out something's wrong with the Cow?" Mike lunged for the switch, but Ishie held him back. "Hold it, Boy. You've made enough electronic mistakes for one day. This takes some thinking over."