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"Dot ish so, but I dinks dot I leafes her go mit you to Dunbarton, if she can shpare her moder." Mr.

Stepsho Steptoe is shtay ish stay " He stopped, hiccupped, waved his hand gravely, and with an air of reproachful dignity concluded, "sojourning for the present on the Bar. We wish to offer our congrashulashen and felish felish " He paused again, and, leaning against the door-post, added severely, " itations." His companion, however, laughed coarsely, and, pushing past Dick, entered the cabin.

Where an' when they see 'em?" "Yesterday morning, about ten miles south of this place, they said." "May be dey be gone to Graaf Reinet to say you are coming. Ha, he, hi! Dat ish ver' goot." The boer then conducted his guests towards the dwelling. On passing a hut by the way, the hunters were surprised at seeing Congo suddenly disappear around a corner!

Unless we become cannibals we are likely to die of starvation. If we do become cannibals, Mr. Dod," she added, sternly endeavouring to look Dicky in the eye, "I hope you will remember what ish due to ladies." "I will offer myself up gladly," said he, and I could not help reflecting upon the comfort of a third party with a sense of humour under the circumstances. "Thass right," said Mrs.

Just then Betsey came in with her baby in her arms, and Moses shuffled aside to give place to her, cowed by an admonishing glance from his mother-in-law. "Bless de Lord!" exclaimed Uncle Ish, lifting his withered, old hands. "Ef dar ain' anur er Betsey's babies! How many is de, Mose?" Moses scratched his head and shrank into the corner.

"Vot ish dot you seem to laugh mit?" he demanded, in an injured voice; "I see nodings." When the others had somewhat recovered from their mirth, Otto began laughing with scarcely less heartiness than they showed. The absurd occurrence seemed slow to impress itself upon his consciousness. Deerfoot did not allow himself to remain idle many minutes.

Ribsam took another puff or two, as if to make sure that his boy was not leading him into a trap, and then he solemnly nodded his head. "Dot ish so, dot am, yaw." "Then if Philadelphia has one hundred people for its population, New York has one hundred and fifty?" "Yaw, and Pheelatelphy has feefty per cent. less yaw, yaw, yaw!" "Hold on, father, not so fast.

I 'members Miss Meeley des' ez well ez 'twuz yestiddy de day Marse Tom brung her home en de niggers stood a-bowin' en axin' howdy at de gate. She wuz all black en white en cold lookin' twell she smiled, en den it wuz des' like er lightwood blaze in 'er eyes." Uncle Ish nodded dreamily.

When Dennis had finished these and crowned his repast with a big dumpling, Jacob came to him with a face as long and serious as his harvest moon of a visage could be made, and said: "Dere ish nodding more in Chicago; you haf gleaned it out. Ve must vait dill der evenin' drain gomes pefore ve haf supper."

"Well, have you made up your mind yet?" asked the Yankee. "De one who goes out ish not to begin de same business?" "No, certainly not; it wouldn't be fair." "No, I 'spose not." "Suppose we draw up a paper, and sign it to that effect, before we go any farther." "Vell." The paper was drawn, signed, and witnessed by the friends of both parties.