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He is one pad poy, as you ish de wust Injin dot effer vasn't." Without the least visible excitement, and in the same deliberate monotone, Deerfoot still looking him straight in the face: "The father of Otto is a dog; he has no heart. The Great Spirit hides his face with shame when he looks upon him."

"Well! what news?" asked James, as he came within speaking distance. "It ish all right. Dey don't know nothing of what's up. Mine bruder have constant watch over their camp. They be in von quandary, and will soon go home." "Is Van Ormon sure that they hadn't any communication with this Kaffir?" asked James. "Yesh! they had. One of them came to the house, and saw this fella yesterday.

A sailor near at hand came forward and offered his assistance. And between the two the professor was safely taken down to the second cabin and deposited in his berth. A German Jew, who shared the professor's stateroom, saw the party coming, and exclaimed to a fellow-passenger: "Tere's tat young shentleman mit his olt man again. Fader Abraham! he ish von shentleman; von drue shentleman!"

The rain had beaten down the leaves on the ground with such force that even the keen eyes of the young Kentuckian began to doubt. Finally the two paused, and Otto, having carefully prepared himself, said: "I dinks dot ish no use for us to hunt the horse." "I am sorry to give it up and own we are beaten, but that is what we shall have to do." "Vy do we does dot?"

The conflict ended almost before it had begun, with a meaty slap of Mike's fist connecting with the man's jaw, right below the ear. It hadn't been a clean punch, Mike thought, but then he wasn't really used to fighting in this gravity. Anyhow, the man was out. And now came the question of what to do with him, but Mike left that to Ish.

The answer, starting low, ascended a shrill scale: "Wash it? Wash it? Wash it?" "Silence!" Mr. Marrapit answered. "Descend!" He craned upwards. The curl-papered head of Mrs. Major poked at him over the banisters. "Darling," breathed Mrs. Major. "Darling um!" "Mrs. Major! What is this?" "Thash what I want to know," said Mrs. Major coquettishly. "Wash it? Wash ish it?" "You are distraught, Mrs.

"My mouth ish sho shwollen swollen, I mean that I can hardly sp speak plainly," he said. "Dear me! how shocking!" exclaimed young Jack. Slipping his arm under Mr. Mole's they walked up and down talking. Meanwhile, young Jack tipped the wink to Harry Girdwood, who slipped out of his hiding-place with Nero, and followed Mole and Jack along the deck.

"Come fill the Cup and in the fire of Spring Your Winter-Garment of Repentance fling. The bird of time has but a little way to flutter And the bird is on the wing." Smash came the milk pail across the bar. "Hooray!" shouted Jimmy. "Besht yet!" Bang! Bang! He was off. "ird ish on the wing," he chanted, and his feet flew.

Words arbitrarily formed by a constant and settled analogy, like diminutive adjectives in ish, as greenish, bluish, adverbs in ly, as dully, openly, substantives in ness, as vileness, faultiness, were less diligently sought, and sometimes have been omitted, when I had no authority that invited me to insert them; not that they are not genuine and regular offsprings of English roots, but because their relation to the primitive being always the same, their signification cannot be mistaken.

"Ef Ole Miss 'ud been yer thoo' dis las' war, dar wouldn't er been no slue-footed Yankees a-foolin' roun' her parlour. She'd uv up en show'd 'em de do' " "Are all Yankees slue-footed, Uncle Ish?" "All dose I seed, honey des' es slue-footed.