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I think there has rarely been a more admirable woman. Of course, Miss Iris was immensely and passionately attached to her. Well, these are two highly oxygenated adverbs, grateful, suppose we say, yes, grateful, dutiful, obedient to her wishes for the most part, perhaps not quite up to the concert pitch of such a perfect orchestra of the virtues.

"I wonder whether you're likely to pay another visit to Ireland? My cottage is entirely at your disposal, Iris dear. Oh, when I'm out of the way, of course! The place seemed to please your fancy, when you saw it. You will find it well taken care of, I answer for that." Iris asked who was taking care of his cottage. The wild lord's face saddened.

"I am sorry," cried Jenks, desisting from further efforts, "that I have not recently read one of Bret Harte's novels, or I would speak to you in the language of the mining camp. But in plain Cockney, Miss Deane, we are on to a good thing if only we can keep it." They came back into the external glare. Iris was now so serious that she forgot to extinguish the little lamp.

"Did I faint?" she asked confusedly. "Yes, but you are all right now. You did not fall. Captain Coke caught you and handed you over to me. I wish you would drink the remainder of this brandy, and rest for a little while." Iris pushed away the glass and sat up. "You carried me?" she said. "Well, I couldn't do anything else."

The heart of Iris sank as she read that melancholy farewell, expressed in language at once wild and childish. If he survived his desperate attempt at self-destruction, to what end would it lead? In silence, the woman who loved him put his letter back in her bosom.

All day the serene and beamy azure of the heavens had been plumed with snowy cloudlets of graceful and capricious form, which, as the sun sank to the horizon, were tinged with fleeting glows resembling the iris of a dove's neck, or the hues of a dying dolphin.

In the eye itself, pupil, iris and cornea were alike undistinguishable; all that could be seen was a mass of red, white and black spots, frightful to behold. Both eyes were in the same condition. Dr.

For first, having by the Trajection of the Sun-beams through a Glass-prism thrown an Iris on the Floor, I found that by placing a Blew Glass at a convenient distance betwixt the Prism and the Iris, that part of the Iris that was before Yellow, might be made to appear Green, though not of a Grass Green, but of one more Dilute and Yellowish.

Like the Hotel Dieu, they were all hospitals; and Mr. Vimpany's object in visiting them remained as profound a mystery as ever. Early on the last morning of the week the answer from Lord Harry's brother arrived. Hearing of it, Iris ran eagerly into her husband's room. The letter was already scattered in fragments on the floor.

She scarcely looked at her aunt; all her thoughts were centered on the mission which she had taken in hand. When the carriage drew up at the humble door, the child ran straight into the house. "Who may you be, little miss?" said Bessie Darling, who had never seen her before. "I am the sister of Diana; I am a mother to the others," said Iris. "Sakes alive!" exclaimed the woman. "You a mother?