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He informed us that the concierge had orders to allow us to take them away." "To what address were you to despatch them?" "Our client instructed us to forward the trunks by the first steamer to Johannesburg, where he would send for them; we were to send two invoices with the goods as usual; the third invoice was to be sent to London, Box 63, Charing Cross Post Office."

They take the invoice of the importer, attested by his oath, as the best evidence of which the nature of the case admits.

If the person to whom the package is sent refuses to pay, or if he cannot be found, the package goes back to the sender. If the goods are heavy and are forwarded by train, the railway invoice is sent by post, but it is not handed over by the postman until he has received the value of the goods.

"Now here is the invoice," said Percy, "of the surface soil from an acre of land where we collected the first composite sample, the land which you said had not been cropped since you could remember. This soil contains plant food as follows: 1,440 pounds of nitrogen 380 pounds of phosphorus 15,760 pounds of potassium 3,340 pounds of magnesium 10,420 pounds of calcium

Fanny Fitz left the matter, together with a further instalment of the thirty pounds, in the hands of the sergeant of police, and went home, and, improbable as it may appear, in the course of something less than ten days she received an invoice from the local railway station, Enniscar, briefly stating: "1 horse arrd. Please remove."

"But, honestly, I don't fear Mr. Trimmer. I've been inquiring into this stock company business. We are each to have stock in the new company, if we form one, in exact proportion to the invoices of our respective establishments. Well, the Trimmer concern can't possibly invoice as much as we shall, and I'll have the majority of stock, which is the same as holding all the trumps. I had Mr.

Where is she, pray, with the invoice?" "I'm I'm sure I don't know, sir," responded Saunders, striving to regain his dignity. "Have a cigarette, Deppy?" interposed Browne, seeing that something was amiss with Saunders. In solemn order the silver box went the rounds. Drusilla alone refused to take one. Her husband looked surprised. "Want one, Drusie?" "No, thank you, Bobby," she said succinctly.

About three months ago, when Laguerre was organizing his command at Bluefields, Garcia, who is the leader of the revolutionary party, sent word down here to Quay to go North for him and buy two machine guns and invoice 'em to me at the consulate. Quay left on the next steamer and appointed me acting consul, but except for his saying so I've no more real authority to act as consul than you have.

All the bags and boxes were carefully numbered by the Army and Navy Stores and the invoice no doubt sent to my London address but I left before it arrived, and there was no possibility of discovering which number meant bed. Seizing a likely looking bale, the boys unlace it, and find a part of a tent, and a second attempt brings to light another part of a tent.

The amount of the imports during that period, on which duties were actually paid, was L105,080. 15s. 3d. being the alleged prime cost of the goods, even without the cost of packages. In order to obtain the invoice price of the goods, one third at least must be added to the prime cost for necessary charges. The amount will then be about L140,000., or, on an average, L70,000. annually.