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We were, in consequence of several of the crew being seized with yellow fever, ordered by the recommendation of the surgeon to Bluefields for change of air, and I am happy to state that from this judicious arrangement we did not lose a man. During the three weeks we remained here we amused ourselves by fishing.

"What can she teach me on that subject?" she thought. "When ye court with ye clothes, ye must not lift ye dress above ye ankle bone." "Then I know what kind of ankle bone she had," said Marguerite, bitter for revenge on Lady Bluefields. "Ye clothes play a greate part in ye arte of courtinge."

Marguerite was beginning to think that nearly every one treated in Lady Bluefields' book was too advanced in years: it was too charitable to the problems of spinsters. "Where do the young come in?" she asked impatiently. "Ye must not court ye young swain with ye food or ye wine.

"Collected Correspondence," pp. 160-161. "Collected Correspondence," pp. 353-359. Ibid., p. 364. "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," Vol. VIII, p. 327. See Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps, Nov. 23, 1888. For. Rel., 1888, Pt. I, pp. 759-768. For. Rel., 1889, p. 468. See Foreign Relations, 1894, App. 1. "Affairs at Bluefields," pp. 234-363. Senate Doc. No. 160, Fifty-sixth Cong., First Sess.

Captain Winslow received the promotion to the grade of a commodore which he had so gallantly won. He died in 1873. It was a source of regret throughout the country that on the night of February 2, 1894, the Kearsarge was wrecked off Roncador Reef, while on a voyage from Port-au-Prince, Hayti, to Bluefields, Nicaragua.

Bayard was instructed by telegraph "to ascertain and report fully by cable the occasion for this action." The British government disavowed all intention of violating the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, which it recognized "as extant and in full force." In July, 1894, United States marines were landed at Bluefields to protect American interests and to restore order. Later the British government assured Mr.

A variety of outrages and insults having been offered to British subjects, two individuals especially having been carried off from San Juan by Colonel Salas, of the Nicaraguan army, Mr Walker, Her Majesty's Consul-General and Agent stationed at Bluefields, requested Admiral Austen, the Commander-in-chief on the West India station, to send some ships-of-war to support and protect British interests in that part of the world.

It began in ye Garden of Eden and is as old as ye old devil himself." Marguerite laughed: she thought Lady Bluefields delightful. "Now ye only purpose in all God His world of ye arte of courting is to create love where love is not, or to make it grow where it has begun.

It was printed in an old style of uncertain spelling so that the period of its authorship could in this way be but doubtfully indicated. Marguerite's eyes settled first on the complete title: "Lady Bluefields' First Principles of Courting for Ye Use of Ye Ladies; but Plainly Set Down for Ye Good of Ye Beginners."

In the spring of 1894, yet more serious trouble arose. The Mosquito territory was invaded by the troops of Nicaragua and Bluefields was surrounded. The British consul at that point protested against this act as contrary to the treaty of Managua. The protest being unheeded, a force of troops was landed from the British ship Cleopatra and on March 9, the Nicaraguans were forced to retire. Mr.