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She had been brought up in a stern and nowise pitiful school. She made neither solemn reflection, nor uttered hope which her theology forbade her to cherish. "Ye think wi' me 'at he's deid dinna ye, Grizzie?" said the laird, in a voice that seemed to himself to intrude on the solemn silence. She removed the handkerchief, and the jaw fell. "He's gane til's accoont," she said.

"I am going to mention a circumstance, which I do with great apprehension, lest I should be thought to intrude upon your Grace's goodness. It respects a youth, the son of one of my most intimate friends, a gentleman of good family and fortune, who is extremely desirous of being admitted a cadet of artillery.

It will mow down the hateful complexity of judicial procedure, with its booty for the somebodies, and its lawyers as well, who intrude the tricks of diplomacy and the melodramatic usages of eloquence into the plain and simple machinery of justice.

But, of course, he did no such thing. Indeed, he never mentioned the incident to me, after we left the deck that night. For all of him, it might never have happened. And, you may be sure, I did not intrude upon his reserve with queries, or reminiscence. Nor did the rest of the watch approach him. Rather did they avoid him, as a dangerous person.

Everything about her and aboard her was as a matter of course, and anything different would have been an irritation and an offence. There was no way by which the great world could intrude. Our bell rang the hours, but no caller ever rang it. There were no guests to dinner, no telegrams, no insistent telephone jangles invading our privacy.

The men at work on deck, with usual Mongolian nonchalance, went about their business without giving the least notice to the events occurring. "The lady Priscilla waits you in the cabin," said Dom Pedro. "She knows my plans and though I shall not intrude upon you I have a Chinese on guard who will kill you if any attempt is made to free you. Enter."

At that moment my uncle entered in silk shorts and a domino. "I hope I do not intrude," said he, gayly, on seeing me. "What nonsense!" said my aunt, turning toward him. "Ernest is going to the Embassy, like ourselves, and I have offered him a seat in the carriage." At the aspect of my aunt, my uncle, dazzled, held out his gloved hand to her, saying, "You are enchanting this evening, my dear."

I am the last man to intrude into a sphere for which I am so entirely unfitted. I feel, on these premises, as if I was a bear with the cramp in a youthful Cotillon. His ungainliness gave him enough of the air of his simile to set Rosa off laughing heartily. 'It strikes you in the same light, said Mr. Grewgious, with perfect calmness. 'Just so. To return to my memorandum. Mr.

David Moore been sitting open-eyed behind his vines that morning, he would have been much surprised to see so many of his natural enemies intrude on his property at so early an hour. But, happily, he had not yet risen, and we were able to enter upon our investigations without being watched or interrupted by him.

As he looked, at the same time, either by accident or design, towards Miss Pecksniff; and as Miss Pecksniff was only too delighted to quarrel with him, she instantly resented it. 'Oh dear! she said, rising. 'Pray don't let us intrude upon your domestic happiness! That would be a pity.