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So thought the major as he approached her and shook her hand, with some well turned compliment upon his lips. "Let me inthroduce me friend, Herr von Baumser," he added. Mrs. Scully smiled upon the German in a way that won his Teutonic heart. "You will find programmes over there," she explained. "I think the first is a round dance.

Van Buren was too kind to let her astonishment be seen by her little serving-man. She said that possibly it might be so arranged. As she went up-stairs she heard Nora exclaiming to herself in the pantry. "And he says he'll inthroduce the misthress about, and the misthress is narely as quare!" After supper Mrs.

"Gineral," said the Irishman, taking off the silk hat which Desmit had worn and waving it in the air; "Gineral, I have the honor to inthroduce to ye anl auld gintleman one av the vera furst families that's come out to mate ye, an' begs that ye'll taste jest a dhrap av the finest auld pache that ivver ran over yer tongue, jist ter cilebrate this vera joyful occasion,"

"Sargeant," began Jerry in his old raucous, martyred, thunderous tones of complaint. "I've got a fare here that " Jerry paused. He drew a knotted, red hand across his brow. The fog set up by McGary was beginning to clear away. "A fare, sargeant," he continued, with a grin, "that I want to inthroduce to ye. It's me wife that I married at ould man Walsh's this avening.

You're one o' the right sort when all's said and done, but if you ever inthroduce such a chap as that to me again, I'll cut you as well as him for the future. I'd inthroduced them to put the young spalpeen in a good humour, for, being short, as ye know, I thought it might be necessary to negotiate a loan from him." "Vat did you say his name vas?" Von Baumser asked suddenly. "Girdlestone."