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The man looked puzzled at such unheard of demands and vanished into the inner court, locking the door behind him and leaving us again to our meditations. An hour passed and no one came, so I ordered the horses to be saddled and the pack-horse to be loaded, and prepared to start. Just then the interpreter came up on horse back, and looked aghast at our preparations.

With revolver in his right hand, his unwilling interpreter in the left, Geordie scrambled down to the roadway, and then, coming in view of the gang, crouched with his prisoner behind sheltering bowlders, regardless of the shots which began to hiss from below. The speaker was still shouting; his words were easily heard. Yells of approval and savage delight punctuated every other sentence.

Indeed, although he never left his work of basket making, the Interpreter was a part of it all. For more and more the workers from the Mill, the shops and the factories, and the workers from the offices and stores came to counsel with this white-haired man in the wheel chair.

Think of the nobleman, Watanabé Oboru, who, by means of the Japanese interpreter of Dutch, Takano Choyéi, is thrilled with the story of Jesus of Nazareth who helped and healed and spake as no other man spake, teaching with an authority above that of the masters Confucius or Buddha.

And now there remained one other thing to do. He dropped into the billiard-room and commenced playing, occasionally going to a window that commanded the river. When, after a game or two, he saw a man approaching from Shanty Town, he put up his cue, sauntered opportunely out, and met the interpreter. "Well, Matthews," was his greeting. "Well?"

They should have given them back to me " At this moment the gong awoke the echoes of the interior of the railway station. "Wait! wait! Donner vetter! Can't you wait a few moments for a man who is going round the world in thirty-nine days " "The Grand Transasiatic does not wait," says the interpreter.

"Because Germany controls the water," said our prisoner proudly. "No troops can be brought from England now." "Is that so?" said our interpreter. "Well, sonny, you will find yourself in England by this time tomorrow, however you get there," and he did. Shortly after this we had several casualties in Platoon 10 two or three were killed, and several wounded and got their "Blighty."

"You will stay here," continued M. Vulfran. "Your food will be given to you and also a lodging at the inn. You will have nothing to pay there. And if we are pleased with you, you will receive something extra when Monsieur Fabry returns." She was an interpreter; that was far better than pushing trucks.

It avoided the struggle and confusion which would certainly have taken place, had the thirsty animals been driven to the well at the same time. That evening the hunters had a long conversation with the head man of the kraal, Swartboy acting as interpreter.

I had money to loan, and the borrowers were Spanish who gave good security and paid from 5 to 25 per cent interest per month, on short time. Mrs. Stockton assisted me very much as an interpreter. I bought young steers for $8. each and gradually added to my herd.