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While the people of the Southern States confine their attention to their own affairs, not presuming officiously to intermeddle with the social institutions of the Northern States, too many of the inhabitants of the latter are permanently organized in associations to inflict injury on the former by wrongful acts, which would be cause of war as between foreign powers and only fail to be such in our system because perpetrated under cover of the Union.

But while the pope exercised so great authority over distant princes, he could not compel obedience from the Romans themselves, or obtain their consent that he should remain in Rome, even though he promised to intermeddle only with ecclesiastical affairs.

Most sincerely shall I rejoice at the last event. All are well here. My friend is as good-natured and affectionate as ever, and sings as delightfully and plays as adroitly. She humours me with all my favourite airs, twice a day. We have no strangers; no impertinents to intermeddle in our conversations and mar our enjoyments.

His lip curled slightly, and, replacing the book on the table, he said, as if speaking rather to himself than to her "The heart knoweth his own bitterness, and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy." "You are not a stranger, sir." "I see you are disposed to consider me such. I thought I was your brother. But no matter; after a time all will be well."

Croke and Omnibow were sitting one morning in the latter's cell, "when there entered upon them the emperor's great ambassador, accompanied with many gentlemen of Spain, and demanded of the Father how he durst be so bold to take upon him to intermeddle in so great and weighty a matter, the which did not only lessen and enervate the pope's authority, but was noyful and odious to all Realms Christened."

Believe me, Dorothy, it is sheer presumption for one man to intermeddle with the things that belong to the spirit of another man. 'But these are only the things of a woman, said Dorothy, in pure childish humility born of love. 'Sure, Dorothy, thou wouldst not jest in such sober matters. 'God forbid, Richard! I but spoke that which was in me. I see now it was foolishness.

He means to intermeddle with a certain thing in a certain way, and it is just that intended intermeddling for which he is sued. /1/ Whereas, if he accidentally hits a stranger as he lifts his staff in self defence, the fact, which is the gist of the action, namely, the contact between the staff and his neighbor's head, was not intended, and could not have been foreseen.

Then she took the pretty face in her hands, gave it one long gaze and kiss, and shut her eyes with a painful, pitiful gasp. Elizabeth hastened to her side; but she knew what was passing in the mother's heart, and presumed not to intermeddle in her sorrow. But half an hour afterward, when she saw heavy tears steal slowly from under the closed eyelids, she said, as she wiped them, gently away,

"I do not intermeddle with that which lies beyond my skill to relieve. Any person can relieve poverty if they have money." "Possibly you are wise to confine your helpfulness to the simpler cases of sorrow." "I think the griefs of the rich are mostly imaginary and selfish.

However, I hope you will now amend, and gather so much experience from past errors, as not to defeat my wisest machinations by your blunders. Indeed, brother, you are not qualified for these negociations. All your whole scheme of politics is wrong. I once more, therefore, insist, that you do not intermeddle. Remember only what is past."