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"We met an Englishman in town," he added, smiling at the recollection, "and he was a mighty interesting chap." "You said it," agreed Frank heartily. "He's been through some of the heaviest fighting, and to hear him tell some of his experiences is better than a dozen lectures. I wish we could have brought him along so you girls could have heard him." "I don't," Roy interjected.

This is Her Majesty's court of Justice and we cannot tolerate any unbecoming language. "Waal, I'll be !" "Pardon me, Mr. Commissioner," said Mr. Hiram S. Sligh, interrupting his friend and client. "Perhaps I may make a statement. We've lost some twenty or thirty horses." "Thirty-one" interjected Mr. Raimes quietly. "Thirty-one!" burst in Mr. Cadwaller indignantly. "That's only one little bunch."

This could conceivably be of advantage to a man who wanted a lift in the world. "Owner of a yacht badly scared a gentleman money nothing to him." Thereupon Shaw declared with heat that he couldn't be an accessory either after or before the fact. Those that never went home who had nothing to go to perhaps he interjected, hurriedly, could do as they liked. He couldn't.

"I have heard of it," interjected Malpas "on the Rue St. Claude?" "That indeed is its situation," replied the other with surprise. "You know someone who is a member?" Sir Brian Malpas hesitated for ten seconds or more; then, crossing the room and reclosing the window, he turned, facing his visitor across the large room.

"But we ain't goin' to charge you nothin' fer the garden sass," interjected Mrs. Case. "That's awfully nice of you," replied The Kid. "How much do I owe you for the rest of it?" "Oh," said Jeb Case, rubbing his chin, eyeing the big roll of bills and wondering just the limit he might raise to, "I reckon 'bout four dollars an' six bits."

And I tell you, Senator Peabody, that the principles that gave birth to this country, the principles of truth, honesty, justice and independence, would rule in Washington " "If Washington cared anything about them, Langdon," interjected the Pennsylvanian. "That's my point," cried the Mississippian "let us teach Washington to care about them!"

The twins both began to chuckle and Teddy had some difficulty in going on with his story. But it seemed they had been at the Derby place the evening before and Timothy had been "boring everybody to distraction," Ted said, reading "Excelsior" to the family. "And believe me!" interjected Tommy Tucker, "that kid can elocute." "And he's always been at it," hurried on his twin, giggling.

"Like that like that, jackal!" interjected Barry Whalen, opening and shutting his lean fingers with a gesture of savage possession. "What?" asked Krool, with a malevolent thrust forward of his head. "What?" "You betrayed us to Kruger," answered Wallstein, holding the papers. "We have here the proof at last."

"Founded by Saint Henry VIII. himself," interjected Staniford. "No, Staniford," said Dunham, with a soft repressiveness. And now a threatening light of zeal began to burn in his kindly eyes. These souls had plainly been given into his hands for ecclesiastical enlightenment. "If our friends will allow me, I will explain " Staniford's shaft had recoiled upon his own head.

You are supposed to have left your modesty in cold storage somewhere. Read on." "Mr. Barslow," I read, "has long been a most potent political factor in his native state, but is, first of all, a business man. He brings his charming young wife " "Really, a most discriminating journalist," interjected Alice.