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The king bit the hand of astonishment with the teeth of reflection, and said, "'How can any one make a good sword from bad iron? The worthless, O Philosopher, does not, by instruction, become worthy. Rain, though not otherwise than benignant, produces tulips in gardens and rank weeds in nitrous ground."

The expenditures during two years are detailed thus in the same report: For Civil List . . . . . . . . $50,000.00 " Permanent Settlements . . . . 18,000.00 " Legislature and Privy Council . . 15,281.63 " Department of Judiciary . . . . 73,562.61 " " Foreign Affairs and War 98,028.24 " " Interior . . . . 396,806.41 " " Finance . . . . 141,345.29 " " Attorney-general . 88,412.17 " Bureau of Public Instruction . . 88,347.79 $969,784.14 Balance on hand March 31, 1872 . . . . . . . $56,752.41 $1,026,536.55

Grant that the words of various instruction which we have heard or read this day, may be so inwardly grafted in our hearts and memories, as to bring forth the fruits of learning and virtue. Grant that as we recline on our pillows, we may call to mind the transactions of the day, condemn those things of which our conscience accuses us, and make and keep resolutions of amendment.

And this is not the sole circumstance which leads us to believe that among them learning had advanced no further than its infancy. The scholars of the Druids, like those of Pythagoras, were carefully enjoined a long and religious silence: for, if barbarians come to acquire any knowledge, it is rather by instruction than, examination; they must therefore be silent.

Such is the object which FOURCROY wishes to attain, by creating a number of national pensions, so considerable that their funds, when distributed in the Lyceums, may be sufficient for their support. Agreeably to these ideas, the following is said to be the outline of the new organization of public instruction. It is to be divided into four classes; viz.

Seventeen years ago I was healed of what several physicians to whom I paid many hundreds of dollars said was an incurable disease, by simply reading 'Science and Health, for which I paid three dollars. A year later I studied with one of Mrs. Eddy's loyal students, to whom I paid one hundred dollars for my course of instruction.

Wealthy men cannot perform a more generous act than to help establish these schools of technology in connection with our colleges, in order to give instruction in the practical and useful arts of life. There is danger, perhaps, in pressing the utilitarian principle in education too far. It is not the colleges that make the greatest show of utility that develop the most effective men.

Foght, in 1918, revealed there a state of things which in our mind is an eye-opener in the matter under examination. Out of over 4,000 schools not more than 212 reported as availing themselves of the law on religious instruction. We leave to the reader to draw the conclusion these recent statistics suggest.

What a set of idiots our clerical teachers must have been and be, if, after a quarter or half a century of their instruction, a person of fair intelligence is utterly incompetent to form any opinion about the subjects which they have been teaching, or trying to teach him, so long!

The instruction is given in either case; and it is the instruction with which we are concerned.