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But it was only for an instant. She refused to take her happiness shyly or insincerely; it was something too sacred. She was a trifle appalled by it, if the truth must be told. If Richard had scattered his love-making through the month of her convalescence, or if he had made his avowal in a different mood, perhaps Margaret might have met him with some natural coquetry.

I believe that by comparison he saw in my father a better friend of youth. 'We shall not be the worse for a ghostly adviser at hand, my father said to me with his quaintest air of gravity and humour mixed, which was not insincerely grave, for the humour was unconscious. 'An accredited casuist may frequently be a treasure. And I avow it, I like to travel with my private chaplain. Mr.

They began to echo in her mind. "What is this?" she thought. "Does he want me to think this breakfast of his is my reward for this bit of a roll in the hay?" She snickered to avoid piercing him with dilating eyes of hate. Then she smiled at her former professor. It was a contrived smile and although she hated artifice, in a world of getting one's needs met one needed to behave insincerely.

She held him with her grenade-throwing arm and kissed him fiercely. She kept her eyes open while she was doing this but only had to fire once. "Jason!" a voice called and Ijale appeared, half-supporting the still dazed Mikah. "Who is this?" Meta snapped, the chill back in her voice. "Why just someone I know," Jason answered, smiling insincerely.

"Pity she ever did give up painting, I think," he added in a peculiar tone. "Yes, it is," George agreed insincerely, for the painting now seemed to him rather tenth-rate. "But what on earth did she stop painting for?" Marguerite replied, with reserve: "Oh! Didn't you know? She's quite gone in for this suffragette business. No one ever sees her now. Not even her people." "Been in prison," said Mr.

It tells you with a perfection that seems to me quite final all the author thinks, for instance, about the advent of the 'larger latitude." "Where does it do that?" asked Mr. Morrow, who had picked up the second volume and was insincerely thumbing it. "Everywhere in the whole treatment of his case. Extract the opinion, disengage the answer those are the real acts of homage." Mr.

She had sat tense and averted, seeing the general greenery, feeling that the cool flowing air might be great happiness, conscious of each form and each voice, of the insincerity of the exclamations and the babble of conversation that struggled above the noise of their going, half seeing Pastor Lahmann opposite to her, a little insincerely smiling man in an alpaca suit and a soft felt hat.

She evaded, and came and went, and returned upon her course, and all with as good a conscience, apparently, as if she were meeting him fairly and squarely on the question they started with. Sometimes he doubted if she really knew that she was behaving insincerely, or whether, if she knew it, she could help doing it.

Her sympathy or tolerance for her husband's ideals and vagaries flagged; when they differed she gave him the cold shoulder; she wanted luxuries such as a carriage of her own which he neither cared for nor could properly afford. He even said and one can hardly accuse him of saying it insincerely that she had been unfaithful to him: this however remains quite unproved, and may have been a delusion.

He had intensely desired to be able, when acquaintances should be sincerely enthusiastic about the merits of his son, to pretend, insincerely and with pride only half concealed, that his son was quite an ordinary youth. Now his desire had been fulfilled; it had been more than fulfilled. The town would chatter about Edwin's presence of mind for a week.