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"Surely, Bannadonna," lowly resumed the milder magistrate, "you meant the twelve should wear the same jocundly abandoned air. But see, the smile of Una seems but a fatal one. 'Tis different." While his mild associate was speaking, the chief glanced, inquiringly, from him to the caster, as if anxious to mark how the discrepancy would be accounted for.

"If you only would!" she said. "I am sure it would shed light on this great subject!" Miss Bell smiled at them both and looked at Mrs. Porne inquiringly. "I should be delighted to have you do it," said her employer. "I know it would be very useful." "Is there any date set?" asked Miss Bell. "Any Wednesday after February," said Mrs. Dankshire. "Well I will come on the first Wednesday in April.

Say, we was just in time, wasn't we?" Ladies and gentlemen in evening dress were already entering. They looked inquiringly about and chose tables. Those next to the dancing space were quickly filled. Many of the ladies permitted costly wraps of fur or brocade to spill across the backs of their chairs. Many of the gentlemen lighted cigarettes from gleaming metal cases.

Piozzi's recollections of Johnson, and looked up with the fun still in her face. It gradually faded as she saw Fred approach her without speaking, and stand before her with his elbow on the mantel-piece, looking ill. She too was silent, only raising her eyes to him inquiringly. "Mary," he began, "I am a good-for-nothing blackguard."

"Another ambuscade?" said Mascari, inquiringly. "Nay, why not enter the house itself? The situation is lonely, and the door is not made of iron." Before Mascari could reply, the gentleman of the chamber announced the Signor Zicci.

With surprising alacrity he rose, as if he had become younger at once. His whole figure, although bent, attained vigour and elasticity. Before leaving the cave he looked inquiringly at Topanashka, who only shook his head and said in a low tone, "I have nothing to ask." The two left the room.

On the upper corner of the visiting card was a peculiar mark, and hardly had he seen it than he hurried to meet the marquis. The nobleman leaned on Pierre Labarre's arm, and returning the superintendent's greeting, he tried to speak, but his voice was broken by sobs, and so he handed the official a folded paper and looked inquiringly at him.

But why do you say such things? You destroy all my pleasure, and I was so happy just now. 'I'm afraid, Emily, your happiness hangs on a very slender thread. She looked at him inquiringly, but feeling that it would be unwise to attempt an explanation, he said in a different tone 'But, Emily, if you love Ashwood so well, why do you go away? 'Why do I go away?

And upon the Saturday of that week, when the notebook writers were upon the fence the greater part of the afternoon, Florence's fascinated indignation became vocal. "Vile Things!" she said. Her mother, sewing beside another window of the room, looked up inquiringly. "What are, Florence?" "Cousin Herbert and that nasty little Henry Rooter." "Are you watching them again?" her mother asked.

And, in her anxiety and anguish, she almost smiled, in thinking that he had succeeded so quickly by his folly. "To-morrow?" said he, inquiringly. She replied quickly, with a defensive instinct: "Oh, no; not to-morrow!" "You do not love me; you regret that you have promised." "No, I do not regret, but He implored, he supplicated her.