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Phelim now shot up rapidly to the stature of a young man; and a graceful slip was he. From the period of fifteen until nineteen, he was industriously employed in idleness. About sixteen he began to look after the girls, and to carry a cudgel. The father in vain attempted to inoculate him with a love of labor; but Phelim would not receive the infection. His life was a pleasanter one.

Dicky seemed only idly watching the moving figures by the hospital. "Yes, but what is it? I can't inoculate him with bacilli. That's what'd do the work, I fancy." "Pocket your fancy, Fielding," answered Dicky. "Let me have a throw." "Go on. If you can't hit it off, it's no good, for my head doesn't think these days: it only sees, and hears, and burns."

In the course of our walk he professed a very sincere and warm friendship for me, and promised himself a world of pleasure in my society; and he frankly and unblushingly informed me, that he had brought with him from Oxford a bad venereal complaint, which, he added, was most unfortunate, as he was fearful that he should inoculate all the pretty damsels belonging to his new flock, which would be a cursed Bore.

The ability to inoculate other animals in this way is necessarily confined to a limited space, sometimes not extending more than a few yards.

I am altogether confident that this could be done on your sloping hillsides, with their rich supplies of phosphorus and other mineral foods, provided, of course, that you use plenty of ground limestone and thoroughly inoculate the soil." "Well, I shall certainly try alfalfa again," said Mr.

Although it has not been in my power to extend the inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae much beyond its original limits, yet, perceiving that it is beginning to excite a general spirit of investigation, I think it of importance, without delay, to communicate such facts as have since occurred, and to point out the fallacious sources from whence a disease imitative of the true variolae vaccinae might arise, with the view of preventing those who may inoculate from producing a spurious disease; and, further, to enforce the precaution suggested in the former treatise on the subject, of subduing the inoculated pustule as soon as it has sufficiently produced its influence on the constitution.

With prolific rhetoric, he likened President Cleveland to a guardian who had squandered the estate of a confiding ward and to a trainman who opened a switch and caused a wreck, and he declared that the President in trying to inoculate the Democratic party with Republican virus had poisoned its blood.

The book was also to bring home to Caesar the religion of his forefathers and his country in all its beauty and elevating power; for hitherto he had vacillated from one form to another, had not even rejected Christianity, with which his nurse had tried to inoculate him as a child, and had devoted himself to every superstition of his time in a way which had disgusted those about him.

It showed Ashley I was not prejudiced, that my opinions were formed before I read his memorandum, and that I had formed them by abstaining from the course he has pursued for he allows all sorts of persons to come and talk to him, and to inoculate him with their notions.

"If it were only possible to inoculate your heart with a little genuine womanly charity, if it were possible to persuade you to adopt as your rule of conduct that golden one which Christ gave as a patent of peace to all who followed it. But it is futile, hopeless. You will not, you will not, and my fluttering dove is at the mercy of a famished eagle, already poised to swoop.