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"I shall be so glad to learn all about Tasso and his madness especially. I suppose poets are always a little mad." "To be sure 'the poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling'; and somebody says of Marlowe 'For that fine madness still he did maintain, Which always should possess the poet's brain." "But it was not always found out, was it?" said Gwendolen innocently.

"Well, what is it?" she demanded quickly to cover her embarrassment. "What is what?" he asked innocently. "The important something that you have to tell me." "That I love you," he answered shamelessly. "Oh!" exclaimed Selah, looking unutterable reproach. "Isn't that important? Do you think the ballot will satisfy your whole heart and nature, make life one glad song?

I had an amusing little talk with what proved to be the court photographer. Among other notables of the realm, he showed me a picture of the Crown Prince, whereupon I innocently asked him how many sons there were. He replied, "Sixty-seven," and that he had taken all their photographs. The reply was rather startling, and I impulsively asked, "And how many daughters?"

Thereupon the same paper returned to the attack, stating that the judge must surely be mistaken as the records showed a sale of stock to him at the time the company was known as the Alaskan Mining Company. When he read this the judge was overwhelmed. It was true then! They had not slandered him. It was he who had lied, but how innocently how innocently!

"They are a thousand times more beautiful than mine," he exclaimed passionately. "I am ashamed of those heartless affairs: anybody can buy them." "Oh no: my brother was very fond of roses. Perhaps you remember his taste for them?" she inquired innocently. "I I don't think he ever alluded to them. The atmosphere of the medical college was not very æsthetic, you know."

"Never, my dear, never." She shook a coy finger at him. "You dear old tightie," she cooed, "you don't realize what a closed car means to a woman." She turned to Shirley. "How an open car does blow one around, my dear!" "Yes, indeed," said Shirley innocently.

As little or no conversation follows these introductions to fix the individuality of the members in his mind, he unconsciously cuts two-thirds of his newly acquired circle the next afternoon, and the following winter, after a ten- months' absence, he innocently ignores the other third.

By the Holy Cross, I could well believe this maiden a maiden in very deed. I never looked upon a purer brow, an eye that spoke more innocently. Hark ye, my good Basil, I am told that you have not spoken with her. If you would fain do so before we set forth, I will be no hinderer. For a moment Basil sat motionless; then, without a word, he rose and went whither Venantius directed him.

"I am afraid," Wrayson remarked, "that I do not know much of ecclesiastical architecture, but the aesthetic effect of this one, at least, is very fine." The newcomer nodded. "You are an artist perhaps, sir?" he asked innocently. "I hope so in some degree," Wrayson answered. "Every one is fundamentally an artist, I suppose, who is capable of appreciating a work of beauty."

If what he has said or what I have done be offensive to you, if you cannot think highly of him and innocently of me, if my thoughts concerning him can possibly be stained with a criminal tinge in your eyes, it becomes you, and I now most solemnly call upon you, as a man disdaining deceit, at once to say so, and here to break off all further intercourse.