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The supreme qualifications for leadership, as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, were evident to all parties in the Jewish community, and not merely to the religious body of his own immediate followers. To a grand revolutionary teacher, no obstacle so fatal as this initial prejudice could have offered itself.

The whites killed scores for these crimes, one of the initial murders of Cook's crew being the shooting of Chief Kapupuu as he departed in his canoe from their ship with some bits of metal he had taken.

"On the other hand, if they visit a house on a sunny day, it would be impossible for them to associate it with the idea of rain. "It would be most difficult to make these people alter their judgment, prematurely formed, and, in spite of the most authoritative assertions and the most self-evident proofs, their initial idea will dominate all those which one would like to instil into their minds.

Not that the tank minds it!" the young inventor hastened to add "She's got to do her bit over worse places than this much worse but I want to get her in a little better working shape first. So if you don't mind, Mary, I'll postpone your initial trip." "Oh, I don't mind, Tom! I'm so glad you've made this! I want to see the war ended, and I think machines like this will help."

Secondly, that the short-story must possess immediateness; it should aim at a single or unique effect "if the very initial sentence tend not to the outbringing of this effect, then it has failed in its first step."

With it we can enter into the shambles of life with assurance, courage, and a belief that, even though we cannot always understand what is going on, the purpose of love is to reunite man and man, and that in Christ God's love won the initial victory in this process.

I will describe this double stage of the organism by the phrase 'larval dimorphism. The initial form, that issuing from the egg, I will call 'the primary larva; the second form shall be 'the secondary larva. Among the Anthrax flies, the function of the primary larva is to reach the provisions, on which the mother is unable to lay her egg.

Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Terri Perkins. From our very first months at Hull-House we found it much easier to deal with the first generation of crowded city life than with the second or third, because it is more natural and cast in a simpler mold.

It would be absurd to make it depend on the constitution of our brain, since our brain itself, so far as it is a group of images, is only a part of the universe, presenting the same characteristics as the whole; and in so far as it is a group of mechanisms become habits, is only a result of the initial action of life, of original perceptive discernment.

But the day before the preparations were to have begun, Bela Kuhn flung his troops against the Rumanians with initial success, drove them across the Tisza with considerable loss, took up commanding positions, and struck dismay into the members of the Supreme Council.