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It is to the self-government of England, and to no lesser cause, that we are to look for the secret of that boundless vitality which has given to men of English speech the uttermost parts of the earth for an inheritance.

Have we not read of Serenus Sammonicus, the master of many languages, who bequeathed 62,000 volumes to the younger Gordian? Truly that was a fine inheritance, enough to sustain many souls or to oppress one to death, as all will agree.

A daughter was considered a natural heir no less than a son and had equal privileges in succession ; and so women were bound to receive some inheritance at least. III. It is a sad commentary on Christian rulers that for many ages they allowed the crimes of the father to be visited upon his children and by their bills of attainder confiscated to the state the goods of condemned offenders.

Another visit fol- lowed. George heard Jane say she preferred HIM. He then conferred with Henry at his home. It was not a pleasant subject to talk upon. To be thus supplanted, was not to be thought of. He would sacrifice everything but his inheritance to secure his betrothed. "And so you are the cause of her late cold- ness towards me. Leave!

She knew too well the weakness that was his inheritance and she knew too, what perils were in waiting to ensnare the feet of untried youth poor, homeless and without the restraining influences of friends and kindred whatever their inheritance might be.

But it is all over now. Now you can rejoice and thank God, for I have regained my inheritance, the kingdom of England, which I had lost." After this there was no farther serious trouble. The insurgents were disheartened, and most of them were glad to make the best of their way home.

1 As, however, grandsons were not called by this senatusconsult with a statutory title to the succession of their grandmothers, 2 this was subsequently amended by imperial constitutions, providing that grandchildren should be called to inherit exactly like children. 3 and finally that under the latter of these two enactments even illegitimate children are admitted to their mother's inheritance.

Brock tried him with questions about his recent inheritance, and was answered as he had been answered once already at the Somersetshire inn. It was a curious coincidence, Midwinter admitted, that Mr. Armadale's prospects and his own prospects should both have unexpectedly changed for the better about the same time. But there the resemblance ended.

The venerable Metche-Bono, father of Elmas Bey, faithful to the end, was killed by a bullet; and Mouktar, having slain a host of enemies with his own hand and seen all his friends perish, himself riddled with wounds, set fire to the powder magazine, and died, leaving as inheritance for the sultan only a heap of smoking ruins.

The division of this flourishing state produced the rival principalities of Benevento, Salerno, and Capua; and the thoughtless ambition or revenge of the competitors invited the Saracens to the ruin of their common inheritance.