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"Do you see the light, dear?" said Webber, as some ingeniously benevolent individual had lowered down a candle with a string, "do ye see the light? Oh, he's fainted, the creature!" A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd at these words, followed by a universal shout of, "Break open the street."

They were, in fact, two thieves, between whom M. Emile Leroux was, not crucified, but locked up. The Mazas prison is so ingeniously built that the least word can be heard from one cell to another. Consequently there is no isolation, notwithstanding the cellular system. Thence this rigorous silence imposed by the perfect and cruel logic of the rules. What do the thieves do?

The Holy Empire which so ingeniously combined the worst characteristics of despotism and republicanism kept all Germany and half Europe in the turmoil of a perpetual presidential election.

The dog licked my hand, and showed great friendship for me, and I told Francezka how ingeniously he had escaped from me at Strasburg to join his master. "Well," replied Francezka, demurely, "no one can blame Bold for running away to join such a master. I have read in old Homer somewhere that Achilles tells Agamemnon he is as impudent as a dog.

And Gaston, come thus by chance so close to them, had the sense not so much of nearness to the springs of great events, as of the likeness of the whole matter to a stage-play with its ingeniously contrived encounters, or the assortments of a game of chance.

Then the young Papirius told the story how his mother had questioned him, and how he had devised this story to escape from her importunity. While this general education was going on, the lad was receiving some definite teaching. He learned of course to read, to write, and to cypher. He was tempted to learn by playthings, which ingeniously combined instruction and amusement.

I mean" she hastened to forestall any protest of mere decency that would spoil her idea "that of course I ache in every limb with the certainty of my dreadful difference. It isn't as if I DIDN'T know it, don't you see? There it is as a matter of course: I've helplessly but finally and completely accepted it. Won't THAT help you?" she so ingeniously pleaded.

He was foiled of his combat; and he had lost the prize. Never was blow more successfully parried, a counter-stroke more ingeniously planted. The bridges of Charenton and St. Maur now fell into Farnese's hands without a contest. In an incredibly short space of time provisions and munitions were poured into the starving city; two thousand boat-loads arriving in a single day. Paris was relieved.

Edward III ingeniously maintained that though the Salic Law prevented his mother from filling the throne, it did not destroy the rights of her male descendants, and he early entertained the project of enforcing this contention; but it was not until 1337 that he felt able to assert formally his claim to the French crown and to assume the title of king of France.

"I have to reply, Signore, and honored father," he coolly answered, "that Balthazar hath right cleverly related a tale that hath been ingeniously devised. That I am Bartolo, I repeat to thee, can be proved by a hundred living tongues in Italy. Thou best knowest who Bartolo Contini is, Doge of Genoa. "He speaks the truth," returned the prince, dropping his head in disappointment. "Oh!