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"Alas, Sophia!" he ingeminated, "how liable to misconception though doubtless wise on the whole are the rulings of Providence, which in one short hour has torn me from your soft embrace to follow a calling which I foresee I shall detest!" Unluckily this emotion, though warranted by his circumstances, proved too great for the ready-made suit which he wore.

And Great Britain engaged at this moment in the greatest war of its history! Oh, Doctor, Doctor these professionals!" Sergeant Topase shrugged his shoulders, and, concluding that his duties as a cicerone were at an end, edged away to the gatehouse for his breakfast. "Oh, these professionals!" ingeminated Captain Pond again, eyeing the breach and the dismantled married quarters.

"I'd love," aspired the romantic boy, "to go up an' up an' up, just like that, an' then bust bust in red and yellow blazes." "You will, one o' these days; that is, if you behave yourself. We have that assurance within us." "I wouldn' mind the dyin' out," ingeminated Palmerston, "so's I could have one jolly good bust."

Therefore it is necessary that the soul conceive not only a possibility, but also a probability of help this way, and that the dispensation of the gospel of grace, and the promulgation and offer of these good news to him, speak out so much, that the patience of God waiting long, and his goodness renewing the offers, confirmeth this; that his serious pressing, his strong motives, on the one hand, and his sharp threatenings on the other; his reiterated commands, his ingeminated obtestations; his expressed sorrow and grief over such as would not come to him; his upbraiding and objurations of such as do obstinately refuse, and the like, put his willingness to save such as will come to him out of all question.

The poet had loosened all his placid idols, so that they shook and rattled in the niches where they had been erstwhile so secure. Mr. McCunn had a mind of a singular candour, and was prepared most honestly at all times to revise his views. But by this iconoclast he had been only irritated and in no way convinced. "And yon blethers about the working-man!" he ingeminated as he shaved.

A great weight of responsibility rests on those who from the first hour of Ireland's opportunity ingeminated distrust to an over-suspicious people. For the moment, however, the attack made no headway. Irishmen have a shrewd political sense, and they felt that in the struggle to pin Liberal Ministers to the true fighting objective Redmond had won.