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Does the comic element of the play, as represented by Touchstone, discredit sentiment in the play? Contrast Lodge's Montanus as a lover with Shakespeare's Silvius. Is Montanus too much of a "tame snake" to be natural? Or does this constancy in love make him a superior figure? Is it a sign of Silvius's inferiority that love has its own way with him?

I love a fair-faced youth and goodly; brighter far Of aspect than the face of sun or moon is he. The antelope, that sees his glances, cries, "His slave Am I," and doth confess inferiority. Yea, beauty on his brow these pregnant words hath writ In very dust of musk, significant to see, "Who sees the light of love is in the way of right, And he who strays commits foul sin and heresy."

"That I treat your comrades like paupers, and that I rob the people my own people, I imagine you to mean of their dues. In the first, how will you prove it? in the second, how can you know it?" "Pardieu, Milady!" swore Cigarette recklessly, seeking only to hold her own against the new sense of inferiority and of inability that oppressed her.

No such signs of inferiority are to be found in the one, and the right to dominion in the other is incidental: for in what volume of nature or religion is it written, that one society of men should breed slaves for the benefit, of another?

If you want to form an opinion on religion, you should always bear in mind the character of the great multitude for which it is destined, and form a picture to yourself of its complete inferiority, moral and intellectual.

This physical presence of the European is probably as necessary to the Orient's regeneration as it is inevitable in view of the Orient's present inferiority. But, however beneficial, it is none the less a source of profound irritation.

It might mean a breach of the present good relations between Germany and the Vatican. The relative inferiority of the tradition of the German to that of most other European women, its relative disposition towards feminine servitude, is no doubt a consideration on the other scale of this discussion, but I do not think it is one heavy enough to tilt back the beam.

"I thought that American ladies were generally somewhat exacting as to those privileges which chivalry gives them." "It is true, sir, that the only rank we know in our country is in that precedence which man gives to woman. Whether we maintain that, or whether we abandon it, we do not intend to purchase it at the price of an acknowledgment of intellectual inferiority.

So far from being impressed or dazzled by Bruce's would-be cleverness, he sincerely grieved over his impudence and folly. "Thank you, Bruce," he said, after a slight pause, and with some dignity, "thank you for your kind consideration of my mental inferiority, and for the pitying regard which you throw, from beside your nectar, on my delicate and trembling superstitions.

He will find it out of himself without your endeavors; and that cannot be helped: but nothing is more insulting, more mortifying and less forgiven, than avowedly to take pains to make a man feel a mortifying inferiority in knowledge, rank, fortune, etc. In the two last articles, it is unjust, they not being in his power: and in the first it is both ill-bred and ill-natured.