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I can just see Sister Boggs laying down the law to anybody that finds fault with the infant-class, let him be preacher or who. Why the very idea! Do you mean to say, sir I guess Sister Boggs can straighten him out all right. No less faithful is Mr. Parker, the leading lawyer of the town, who conducts the Bible-class.

He came from the Western Reserve, and said "cut" when he meant coat, and "hahnt" when he meant heart. I can shut my eyes and hear him read his report now: "Infant-class, Mrs. Sarah M. Boggs, one dolla thutty-eight cents; Miss Dan'ells's class, fawty-six cents; Miss Goldrick's class, twenty-faw cents; Mr. Pahnker's class, ninety-three cents; Miss Rut's class, naw repawt." Poor old Miss Root!

I saw you at the County Fair, and bought a slab of ice-cream candy just before you did. I was in the infant-class in Sabbath-school when you spoke in the dialogue at the monthly concert. Look again. Don't you remember me? I used to stub my toe so; you ought to recollect me by that. I know plenty of people that you know.

What an encouragement to these faithful infant-class teachers that have labored unremittingly, instant in season and out of season, saying over and over again with infinite patience, "Always bring a penny," to know that their labor has not been in vain, and that as a people we have made it the rule of our lives always to bring a penny and no more.

It was a kind of fancy handkerchief, made of thin stuff trimmed with lace no good. The Sabbath-school may be said to be divided into three courses, namely, the preparatory or infant-class, the collegiate or Sabbath-school proper, and the post-graduate or Mr. Parker's Bible-class. What can a mere babe of three or four years learn in Sabbath-school? sneers the critic.

It seemed that as soon as Miss Browne had beguiled Aunt Jane into financing her scheme a feat equivalent to robbing an infant-class scholar of his Sunday-school nickel she had cast about for a worthy leader for the forthcoming Harding-Browne expedition.

After a moment of puzzled thought Phillida comprehended that this way of speaking of disease was a part of the liturgy of Christian Science. She could not persuade Mr. Martin into the parlor; he waited in the vestibule while she got ready to go. Once out on the wet sidewalk he said: "It's all the fault of the infant-class teacher, down at the Mission."

Boggs's hill, back of the lady's house that taught the infant-class in Sunday-school, was a good hill. It had a creek at the bottom, and a fine, long ride, eight or ten feet, on the ice. But Dangler's hill was the boss. It was the one we all made up our minds we would ride down some day when the snow was just right. We'd go over there' and look up to the brow of the hill and say: "Gee!

"What is the fault of the infant-class teacher, Mr. Martin?" asked Phillida with some surprise. "This seeming sore throat of Tommy's." "How can that be? I don't understand." "Well, you see she talked to the children last Sunday about swearing and other such sins of speech. Now sin and disease are cor what-you-may-call-it.

"About three thousand people have been talking all this week about teaching a few Bible verses to some children to-day, and I am going to find out what they are, and what is so wonderful about them. Besides, I was taken for a being named Miss Rider, and on inquiry I find her to be what they call an infant-class teacher, so I am going to hunt her up and see if we look alike and are affinities."