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The ultimate fact remained that here was a genuine adventure, and as connoisseurs of romance we were bound to exploit it to the utmost limit of our ability. So be it, then. "The finding of that organ-grinder is our first and obvious procedure," said Indiman, slowly. "And the clew to his identity lies, as you have explained, in his instrument."

A telegraph delivery boy entered and handed Sydenham a yellow envelope. He signed for it and the boy withdrew. He opened it, and instead of a written message drew out a fresh sprig of heliotrope. Motionless and scarcely breathing, he sat and gazed at it as though he could never fill his eyes with the sight. "Now," said Indiman, pushing Mr. Sandford into the room where the young cashier sat.

"It looks ordinary enough." "The porter told me that it came in last night on the Lake Shore Limited," said Indiman. "Nothing remarkable about that, either." A sudden thought struck me. "By Jove! we're no better than thieves," I said, frowningly. "The possession of a baggage-check doesn't necessarily carry with it the ownership of the parcel for which it calls.

"But a profitable one; don't forget that." They laughed and walked on. For a little while we sat in silence over our cheese and salad. Then Indiman spoke up, suddenly: "Mr. Harding." The young man looked at him dully. "The story of your persistent ill-fortune has interested me. But I find it difficult to believe in the consistency of bad luck; it must change sooner or later."

"I am tired of these bandeaux," she explained, smilingly. "My friends tell me that curls will become me infinitely better." "Your friends have reason," acquiesced Indiman; "but tell me, madame, did you receive my note?" "I did, senor, and I return you a thousand thanks. Ah, how these pigs of detectives have tortured me! you would never believe it.

At a quarter after eight, and then again at half after, there were inquiries at the door for Mr. Indiman. To each caller the answer was returned that no Mr. Indiman was known at No. 4020 Madison Avenue, and that Mr. Ambrose Johnson Snell could not be disturbed at his dinner. There was no caller at the next quarter, and none again at nine o'clock.

We smile as we recall it now, but it had been a terrible catastrophe to contemplate at the time. What would you have done? We went straight to Indiman, and he listened with close attention. "You have property, then?" he asked. Miss Allaire looked troubled. "There is money. I even think it must be a large estate. But I don't know; my uncle never spoke of my affairs."

"You received my note?" said Indiman. "Yes." "What did you do?" "I bought five thousand Pan. com. at 70." "Oh, the deuce!" and Indiman stared blankly at his guest. "You see, it's no use " began the young man, apologetically, but Indiman cut him short. "No use! And with my message in your hand before the market opened the exclusive, the absolute information " "Here it is," said Mr.

"But shouldn't we begin with with the thing itself," I objected, and glanced nervously at the big trunk standing in the middle of the floor. The identity of the victim it may be possible to establish it a most important point, surely." "I'll have to pass up that part of it at least for the present," said Indiman, frankly. "But we must get the box out of sight somewhere.

His burning gaze fixed itself upon the two men at the distant table, as though by sheer will-power he would surprise the secret of their whispering lips. "He must he does know." "What?" asked Indiman. "Man, man, it's a matter of millions! Panama Trading Company common stock is quoted at 70, and everything depends upon the passage by the Senate of the canal treaty.