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It would puzzle a psycho-analyst most assured of the right system for indexing secret human motives to disengage one shadow from another in an ancestral darkness. That is why I merely put down here the names to be found on a chart of the North Sea, and say no more about it, being sure they will mean nothing except to those to whom they mean something.

This is a goal that every American who's ever struggled with a tax form can understand. At the same time, however, I will oppose any efforts to undo the basic tax reforms that we've already enacted, including the 10-percent tax break coming to taxpayers this July and the tax indexing which will protect all Americans from inflationary bracket creep in the years ahead.

Even with modern audio-visual recording, need exists for some modicum of written recording, which can be rapidly scanned and selected from indexing, cataloguing, tabulating data, et cetera and for at least a few men and women who can form and interpret the written word. Mr.

The latter option is particularly unpalatable given the significant increase in the tax rate already mandated in law. This Administration continues to oppose cuts in basic social security benefits and taxing social security benefits. The Administration continues to support annual indexing of social security benefits.

Here is a fairly complete list of their expedients: "If your friend is at all clever, he should write a novel." "If he is not, there is the catalogue of the National Library: ten hours of indexing a day." "If he has ambition, let him become a wine-merchant." "No; 'Old Clo, and get his hats gratis." "If he is very plain, and has no voice, he can sing in the chorus at the opera."

Lady Rossiter in her overall was disturbed at her indexing by the clamour of an approaching daylight raid; by the maroons, the clanging of bells, the hooters, the gunfire; and finally by the not very distant sounds of exploding bombs.

I have compared the system of indexing humanity we have come upon to an eye, an eye so sensitive and alert that two strangers cannot appear anywhere upon the planet without discovery. Now an eye does not see without a brain, an eye does not turn round and look without a will and purpose.

Almost immediately, a clerk stood in the doorway. "Get me the master quarters file for Sector Fourteen," Morely ordered. The clerk went out, to return with two long file drawers. Quickly, he set them side by side on a small table, which he pushed over to his superior's desk. Idly, Morely fingered through the cards, noting the indexing and condition of the file.

A mere cataloguing of all the plants though this were far better than your old game of indexing your own poor photographs of them will never give you access to the Unity, the Fact, whatever it may be, which manifests itself through them.

Pepys had in putting down all this in such a form that no one could read it. 'Well, you must bear in mind, dear, that he could read it himself. Besides he was a fellow with a singularly methodical side to his mind. He was, for example, continually adding up how much money he had, or cataloguing and indexing his library, and so on. He liked to have everything shipshape.