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There are these notes in the diary: "Nov. 26. Corrected the last proof of the 'Graphic Arts, and sent it off with a new finish, as the other seemed too abrupt. Spent a good deal of time over the finish, writing it twice." "Nov. 27. Worked all day as hard as possible at index to 'Graphic Arts, and got it finished at midnight." He was in time, but Mr. Seeley wrote:

She represented something in life that men of all races for thousands of years had loved to see and own, to revere and debase, to fight and die for. It was a significant index to the day's travel that Yaqui should keep a blanket from the pack and tear it into strips to bind the legs of the horses. It meant the dreaded choya and the knife-edged lava.

He had read from the first word to the last, as if under a spell that held him breathless; and when he closed the manuscript, it was without a groan or sigh; but over his pale lips there passed that withering smile, which is as sure an index of a heart overcharged with dire and fearful passions, as the arrowy flash of the lightning is of the tempests that are gathered within the cloud.

And indeed in those houseless night walks which even included cemeteries where watchmen went round among the graves at stated times, and moved the tell-tale handle of an index which recorded that they had touched it at such an hour it was a solemn consideration what enormous hosts of dead belong to one old great city, and how, if they were raised while the living slept, there would not be the space of a pin's point in all the streets and ways for the living to come out into.

The book of the world is a vast miscellany; he is perfectly well acquainted, doubtless, with those pages that treat of the fashions, profoundly versed, I warrant, in the 'Magasin des Modes' tacked to the end of the index.

Des Esseintes followed him to another room. From this instant, his sensations were confused. He vaguely remembered having sunk into a chair opposite a window, having murmured, as he put a finger to his tooth: "It has already been filled and I am afraid nothing more can be done with it." The man immediately suppressed these explanations by introducing an enormous index finger into his mouth.

A pack of cards is spread round a wheel with an index: round goes the wheel, and whoever has the card at which the index stops gets an orange, or if he likes to save up his oranges exchanges them for a box of soap. You get four cards for two sous, but I take all the pack. Round goes the wheel imperturbably. It stops.

Kweiros snapped the communicator off, sat back to drum idly on his desk, then got up and walked over to his master file control board. He glanced at the index, then punched out a sequence on the buttons. There was a subdued hum and a door opened. Kweiros reached into the compartment, to take out several tape reels.

Von Arne had dug through a score of great libraries, and had travelled all the world over, frequenting cafes and salons, monasteries and prayer-cells, prisons and hospitals and asylums wherever one might get new glimpses of the extraordinarily intricate phenomena of the aberration called "Genius". He had several thousand cases of it at his finger-tips he had measured its reaction-times and calculated its cephalic index, and analyzed its secretions and tested it for indecan.

She looked so pretty and was so well dressed that the passers-by who looked after her wondered why she did not take a cab instead of standing on a street corner for a car. But one's outward appearance is not always a faithful index to the condition of one's pocketbook, and Shirley was rapidly acquiring the art of economy. It was not without a certain trepidation that she began this journey.