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It is in this way that he who is strong and true makes truth and honour and uprightness stronger in those beside him; it is in this way that he who is industrious, as a duty, makes industry more prevalent; it is in this way that he who shows his hatred of impurity makes the atmosphere pure in his society.

Now I will reveal a Secret unto thee, that Gold, Copper, and Iron have one Sulphur, one Tincture, and one Matter of their Colour; this Matter of the Tincture is a Spirit, a Mist and Fume; as aforesaid, which can penetrate and pass through all Bodies, if you can take it, and acuate it by the Spirit which is in the Salt of Mars, and then conjoin the Spirit of Mercury therewith in a just weight, purging them from all impurity, that they be pleasant and well sented, without all Corrosives, you have then such a Medicine, whereunto none in the world may compare, being fermented with the bright shining Sun, you have made an entrance penetrating to work, and to transmute all Metals.

And the pity of it is that this element of heredity, this reproduction of the fathers in the children, which might be used to redeem the new-forming personality from the heritage of past commonness or impurity, is simply left to take its course for the further establishing and confirmation of it.

What a perversion, this regarding the sacredness of human Fatherhood, and Motherhood, as impure! The man of true spirituality sees in the Divine Trinity of Father, Mother and Child, something most pure and sacred something that brings man very close indeed to God. Is the beautiful babe, held close in its mother's fond embrace, a symbol and type of impurity?

Walker, the hygeian humorist, declared that he had such a healthy skin it was impossible for any impurity to stick to it, and maintained that it was an absurdity to wash a face which was of necessity always clean.

What individual work with boys and girls can and should be done by parents and teachers to guide the children past the dangerous places? What are the commandments children are likely to break first? In what ways are homes often responsible for habits of lying, stealing, profaning the name of God, and other sins? How are the seeds of impurity often sown by thoughtless parents in the home?

It put the spectator in good-humor to look at them, because there was still something of the old Arcadian life, the secure freedom of the antique age, in their way of surrendering their lips to strangers, as if there were no evil or impurity in the world.

"The third meditation is the meditation of joy, in which you think of the prosperity of others, and rejoice with their rejoicings. "The fourth meditation is the meditation of impurity, in which you consider the evil consequences of corruption, the effects of sin and diseases. How trivial often the pleasure of the moment, and how fatal its consequences.

Stead took fire, and led a crusade against impurity which shocked the conscience of the eighties. But so deep and eternal was this hatred of evil, that General Booth soon came to see that he must express it in some manner which would outlive the heady moments of a "lightning campaign." He settled down to express that profound abhorrence of iniquity in terms of organisation.

The dignity of virtue and its holy flame had expelled the transient impurity of the woman who, splendid in her own peculiar beauty, looked taller in Crevel's eyes.