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She was a woman of high spirit, and while still on her knees she prayed God to punish those who had wrongfully exposed her and her children to ruin. Carr met with constant misfortunes, being ultimately implicated in a murder and imprisoned.

The Marquis Berghen and the Baron Montigny, being already in Spain, could be dealt with at pleasure. It was also decided that the gentlemen implicated in the confederacy or compromise, should at once be proceeded against for high treason, without any regard to the promise of pardon granted by the Duchess.

The mercenary views of the traders were ever leading them to cheat and deceive these poor untutored unprotected beings, who in return, deemed retaliation no crime; nor in balancing the amount of guilt would it be easy to settle which of the parties were most deeply implicated; the one who gave trifles, or worse beads or brandy, for articles of real value; or the other, who secretly pilfered some useless toys or iron implements, for which in fact they had greatly overpaid.

Clemens was always beautifully and unfalteringly a republican. None of his occasional misgivings for America implicated a return to monarchy. Yet he felt passionately the splendor of the English monarchy, and there was a time when he gloried in that figurative poetry by which the king was phrased as "the Majesty of England."

It continued till Burke, alienated from Fox, and loaded with the favors of the Crown, died, preaching a crusade against the French republic. We surely cannot attribute to the events of 1784 an enmity which began in 1781, and which retained undiminished force long after persons far more deeply implicated than Hastings in the events of 1784 had been cordially forgiven.

That night he who had been to explore the secrets of the barbarian slept, if he might sleep at all, in a cell too short for lying down at full length, and too low for standing upright. There are some disappointments too great for commentary. Sakuma, implicated by his handwriting, was sent into his own province in confinement, from which he was soon released.

Another measure authorized the Governor to send persons implicated in the disturbances to England for trial. Boston and the province were indeed to be heavily punished and sternly brought to their senses.

Other cranial nerves, particularly the oculomotor and the hypoglossal, may also be implicated. A remarkable feature of this condition is that although the muscles are irresponsive to ordinary physiological stimuli, they are thrown into spasm by the abnormal impulses of tetanus. Trismus. This term is used to denote a form of tetanic spasm limited to the muscles of mastication.

Verus had often been implicated in wild adventure among the populace and knew how to deal with them; if he now could only detain them till the advent of the soldiers he might consider the game as won. Hadrian could be a hero when it suited him; but here where no laurels were to be won, he left to Verus the task of quieting the crowd.

"I hardly like calling you by your christian name but it sounds so like a surname that perhaps it won't be so bad." "What do you want to ask?" he demanded. She was silent for a moment, then she said: "How far was my father implicated in this terrible business?" "In the gang?" She nodded. He was in a dilemma. Solomon White was implicated as deeply as any save the colonel.