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"Doctor Danvers," he resumed, sternly and dejectedly, "I told you, in the chance interview we had some months ago, that I was haunted by a certain fear. I did not define it, nor do I think you suspect its nature. It is a fear of nothing mortal, but of the immortal tenant of this body. My mind; sir, is beginning to play me tricks; my guide mocks and terrifies me."

Appeals to the law are overpowered by the drum and by shouts for Bonaparte; and the legislators of France fly pell-mell from the hall through doors and windows. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy which eight years previously Burke had made in his immortal work on the French Revolution.

Our hearts, we trust, will long cherish his heavenly savor well assured that if allowed a part in the resurrection of the just, we shall behold his tall form, erect in the vigor of immortal youth, amidst the patriarchs of past generations.

This was done by a promising young artist of Chicago, and the wall spaces nearest to the two selected heroes were quickly filled with their immortal sayings.

For whilst we are tied to this tyrannous body we are subject to its death, and our destiny is not achieved. THE NEWLY BORN. What is your destiny? THE HE-ANCIENT. To be immortal. THE SHE-ANCIENT. The day will come when there will be no people, only thought. THE HE-ANCIENT. And that will be life eternal. ECRASIA. I trust I shall meet my fatal accident before that day dawns.

But if you would see the Libocedrus in all its glory, you must go to the woods in winter. Then it is laden with myriads of four-sided staminate cones about the size of wheat grains, winter wheat, producing a golden tinge, and forming a noble illustration of Nature's immortal vigor and virility.

In another hundred years, the verdicts of critics as to the greater part of the poems of Tennyson, Wordsworth, Browning, and Longfellow, may be very different from what they now are, while some of their lyrics may be, as they are now, pronounced immortal. Poetry is both an inspiration and an art. The greater part of that which is now produced is made, not born.

So that if the traveler is honest, and examines his own soul faithfully, he will not know what state of mind to cherish as he passes through this region of sorrow. Our eyes lingered as long as possible and with all eagerness upon these meadows and marshes which the poet has made immortal, and we regretted that inexorable Baddeck would not permit us to be pilgrims for a day in this Acadian land.

Put in another glass, I say carry it to my mouth now; hold, you croil here's the glorious, pious, and immortal memory! Ho! Lanty, there's nothing like being a good Protestant after all so I'll stand to glorious Bill, to the last; nine times nine, and one cheer more! hurra!"

And OUR masterpieces of literature OUR poets that, if not immortal, at any rate, are to last their fifty, their hundred years oh, sirs, don't you think a very small cellar will hold them?