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And yet surely, for all that, the delicate tints of the snow-capped mountains, the peaks of which were now steeped in the rays of the rising sun, the broad valley slumbering in the shade, the clear, sparkling atmosphere, and the exquisite coloring of the Langarfjal the mighty crag that towers over the Geysers were beauties enough to redeem the solitude and imbue the deserts with a celestial glory.

As was natural for Jerry, and not uncommendable, he chose at once the latter course, bargained for his twenty acres for land was cheap then, bought his mule, built his cabin, and set up his household goods. Now, slavery may give a man the habit of work, but it cannot imbue him with the natural thrift that long years of self-dependence brings.

And when an arrangement has been come to which is, not only in fact but also obviously, equitable, it remains as part of the process of organisation to teach the participants in the new project the meaning, and to imbue them with the spirit, of the joint enterprise into which they have been persuaded to enter with perhaps no very clear understanding of all that is involved.

He was closeted daily with John Casimir, whose vanity and extravagance of temper he managed with his usual skill. He even dined with Imbue, and thus, by smoothing difficulties and reconciling angry passions, he succeeded at last in obtaining the consent of all to a religious peace, which was published on the 27th of December, 1578.

Parma's feint upon Antwerp He invests Maestricht Deputation and letters from the states-general, from Brussels, and from Parma, to the Walloon provinces Active negotiations by Orange and by Farnese Walloon envoys in Parma's camp before Maestricht Festivities The Treaty of Reconciliation Rejoicings of the royalist party Comedy enacted at the Paris theatres Religious tumults in Antwerp, Utrecht, and other cities Religious Peace enforced by Orange Philip Egmont's unsuccessful attempt upon Brussels Siege of Maestricht Failure at the Tongres gate Mining and countermining Partial destruction of the Tongres ravelin Simultaneous attack upon the Tongres and Bolls-le-Duo gates The Spaniards repulsed with great loss Gradual encroachments of the besiegers Bloody contests The town taken Horrible massacre Triumphal entrance and solemn thanksgiving Calumnious attacks upon Orange Renewed troubles in Ghent Imbue and Dathenus The presence of the Prince solicited Coup d'etat of Imbue Order restored, and Imbue expelled by Orange

But another power there is, not that only whereby I animate, but that too whereby I imbue with sense my flesh, which the Lord hath framed for me: commanding the eye not to hear, and the ear not to see; but the eye, that through it I should see, and the ear, that through it I should hear; and to the other senses severally, what is to each their own peculiar seats and offices; which, being divers, I the one mind, do through them enact.

We respect its neutrality; we do not ask from it an ideal partisanship for our benefit. If it does not have for us the sympathy which we have already extended to it and, after a century and a half of unclouded intercourse between the two nations, have anticipated there, then we cannot imbue it with that spirit by reasoning.

A year has passed; and I no longer guess at my state or my prospects loneliness is my familiar, sorrow my inseparable companion. I have endeavoured to brave the storm I have endeavoured to school myself to fortitude I have sought to imbue myself with the lessons of wisdom. It will not do. My hair has become nearly grey my voice, unused now to utter sound, comes strangely on my ears.

External things imbue me with profound respect, if, in their way, they are good for something; and you will some day hear me enthusiastically praise the blessedness of home and the merits of domesticity. I understand now your preference for country life, I like you for it and feel as you do about it.

I scarcely need tell the reader, that I did my very best to imbue the minds of my dear friends with my own views and feelings. Thoroughly awakened, now, and with a definite vow upon me, all my little reading, which had any bearing on the subject of human rights, was rendered available in my communications with my friends. The fact is, I here began my public speaking.