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Aye, though thou wert a robber that took men's lives unrighteously, yet shall rare spices smoulder in thy temple and little maidens sing and new-plucked flowers deck the solemn aisles; and priests shall go about it ringing bells that thy soul shall find repose. And if thou hast the ear of any gods, speak there against Illuriel, god of King Darniak. THE KING'S OVERSEER So you have been praying.

KING ARGIMENES If Illuriel could be cast down as my god was cast down perhaps King Darniak could be overcome as I was overcome in my sleep? ZARB If Illuriel were cast down all the people would utter a cry and flee away. It would be a fearful portent. KING ARGIMENES How many men are there in the armoury at the palace? ZARB There are ten men in the palace armoury when all the slave-guards are out.

THE KING'S OVERSEER The slave-guard saw you. KING ARGIMENES I did but pray to Illuriel to make me a good slave, to teach me to dig well and to pull the rounded stone, and to make me not to die when the food is scarce, but to be a good slave to my master, the great King. THE KING'S OVERSEER Who art thou to pray to Illuriel? Dogs may not pray to an immortal god. The guards are watching us.

But will the slaves follow me? ZARB You will make them follow you if you have a sword. Yet is Illuriel a very potent god. They say that none have prevailed against King Darniak's dynasty so long as Illuriel stood. Once an enemy cast Illuriel into the river and overthrew the dynasty, but a fisherman found him again and set him up, and the enemy was driven out and the dynasty returned.