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David was conscious of a movement behind him that Kaid was praying with hands uplifted; and out on the sands between the window and the river he saw kneeling figures here and there, saw the camel-drivers halt their trains, and face the East with hands uplifted. The call went on "La ilaha illa-llah!" It called David, too.

Some one in front of him whispered one startling word to a camel-driver. Dicky had got his cue. To him that whisper was as loud and clear as the "La ilaha illa-llah!" called from the top of a mosque. He understood Ibrahim the Orderly now; he guessed all rebellion, anarchy, massacre.

Some one in front of him whispered one startling word to a camel-driver. Dicky had got his cue. To him that whisper was as loud and clear as the "La ilaha illa-llah!" called from the top of a mosque. He understood Ibrahim the Orderly now; he guessed all rebellion, anarchy, massacre.

David was conscious of a movement behind him that Kaid was praying with hands uplifted; and out on the sands between the window and the river he saw kneeling figures here and there, saw the camel-drivers halt their trains, and face the East with hands uplifted. The call went on "La ilaha illa-llah !" It called David, too.

The chant rang through a stillness broken only by the low snap and crackle of the fires. "Ashhadu an la illah illa-llah, Ashhadu anna Mohammadar ra-sool ulla." chanted the long robed priest. "God is God, and Mohammed is his Prophet! There is no God but God! To prayer, O sons of the Faithful!