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"You are right," she said; "it ill-becomes those who are suffering to reject the means of relief Heaven sends them. Speak, then; and may you, indeed, be able, as you assert, to administer relief to my body " "Let us first speak a little of the mind, if you please," said the Beguine "of the mind, which, I am sure, must also suffer." "My mind?"

We have certain rights as men, but we have duties, too, as creatures, and it ill-becomes us to prate about our rights, or the duties of others towards us, while we ignore the obligations we are under towards others and our first duty which is to God.

They say that it ill-becomes me, a friend of the English and an admirer of the British constitution, to join hands with those who are to-day filled with nothing but ill-will against the English. I am sorry to have to confess that the ordinary Mahomedan entertains to-day no affection for Englishmen. He considers, not without some cause, that they have not played the game.

You know I was born in the Bay, and the major must excuse me but, it ill-becomes my cloth to deceive I hope the major will pardon me I I do hope " "Speak out, Mr. Woods," said Robert Willoughby, smiling "You have nothing to fear from your old friend the major."