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Ignite, then, O my God, within my breast the fire of Thy love, that its flame may burn up all else except my remembrance of Thee, that every trace of corrupt desire may be entirely mortified within me, and that naught may remain except the glorification of Thy transcendent and all-glorious Being.

At length, after the combustible material had burned out, and been replenished several times, the more substantial billets of Joe's pile began to ignite slowly, and the old Indian then took up a flaming brand and moved towards Sneak. "Come on! you snarvilerous rattlesnake you, I'll show you sights presently!" said Sneak.

But the fuze will not take: horrible moment of agonizing suspense, the powder is clotted with blood, and will not ignite! I remember that my pistols are in my belt, and detaching one, I draw the charge, and scatter the fresh powder along the line. My shelter still saves me, though the balls are crashing like hail around me.

Veins of coal that have been opened by the miners frequently show trunks and stumps of trees, as well as impressions of leaves and ferns. Underneath the coal there is usually a bed of clay, while above sand or sandstone is commonly found. The oldest coal has been changed the most. It is hard and rather difficult to ignite, but when once on fire it gives more heat and burns longer than other coals.

Filter, wash, ignite, and weigh. The reaction involved is: BaSO + Na CO , > BaCO , + Na SO . As the sodium sulphate is soluble in water, and the barium carbonate insoluble, a separation between them is possible and the sulphur can be determined in the water-soluble portion. The mineral apatite is composed of calcium phosphate, associated with calcium chloride, or fluoride.

He must get the passengers off the floorless bridge that might ignite at any moment. He must check the engine as soon as he cleared the last pier, or the cars would take fire before they could be uncoupled. He shut his eyes from the maddening heat and glare, and drove straight on.

The loud detonation, and explosion of fiery fragments that followed, however, was rather discomposing to the nerves, and unfavourable for restful slumber to the weary warriors. Another cruel refinement of war was still more disconcerting. In order, if possible, to ignite the barracks, the gunners of Fort Niagara kept firing at intervals red-hot cannon balls.

A hodge-podge bonfire, in the centre of which an inaccessible coffee-pot toppled menacingly, alternately threatened to ignite the entire surrounding forest or to go out altogether through lack of fuel. Personal belongings strewed the ground near the fire, and provisions cumbered the entrance to the tent.

It seems you would be safe there, and I could begin to be satisfied ". "Peter, Peter don't make heavens to-day!" "It's your particular heaven. No other would ever have made me think of winter of something austere and silent for you to ignite." "I wonder, shall it ever come to me to have peace and abundance of nature?

This I blew gently, placing over it a few twigs at a time, until I soon had a brisk fire burning. The place where I had lighted my fire was not one at which I wished to camp, but once having a fire, I could carry a burning brand and ignite another in some more convenient situation. I was not long in selecting a spot close under a rock, where I soon had a fire blazing up.