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They carry their harnesse behynde theim, at their backes. They vse neither banner, standerde, ne flaggue: but certein Iauelins that haue streamynge out fro the toppe, diuers coloured thriedes, by the whiche euery hande knoweth his capiteine. Thei vse a dromme and a fiphe, to assemble their Bandes, and to sturre them to the batteile.

Vpon them is tied a lyne stretching fro the one to the other, and couered ouer with buckerame. Betwene these ii. Iauelins, as throughe a gate, muste all thinges passe that are to be purified. No straungier, of what dignitie so euer he be, or of howe greate importance so euer the cause of his comming be: is admitted to the kinges sighte before he be purified.

Half a quarter of mustard seed, and a querne. A grindstone. 800 empty shaken hogsheds. 350 bundles of hoopes, and 6 quintalines. 800 paire of heds for the hogsheds. 10 Estachas called roxes for harping irons. 10 pieces of Arporieras. 3 pieces of Baibens for the Iauelines small. 2 tackles to turne the Whales. A halser of 27 fadom long to turne the Whales. 15 great Iauelines. 18 small Iauelins.