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"Are you alone in the house?" said I. "Quite alone," said she; "but my husband and people will soon be home from the field, for it is getting dusk." "Have you any Saxon?" said I. "Not a word," said she, "have I of the iaith dieithr, nor has my husband, nor any one of my people." I bade her farewell, and soon reached the road, which led south and north.

It is really surprising that the men of Llydaw should speak the iaith so pure as they do." "The Welsh when they went over there," said I, "took effectual means that their descendants should speak good Welsh, if all tales be true." "What means?" said he of the hat.

"But it was, sir, I do assure you, and the descendants of Madoc and his people are still to be found in a part of America speaking the pure iaith Cymraeg better Welsh than we of Wales do." "That I doubt" said I. "However, the idea is a pretty one; therefore cherish it. This is a beautiful country." "A very beautiful country, sir; there is none more beautiful in all Wales."

At the end of about half a minute I got up, asked what I had to pay, and on being told twopence, I put down the money. Then going up to the man I put my right forefinger very near to his nose, and said "Dwy o iaith dwy o wyneb, two languages, two faces, friend!" Then after leering at him for a moment I wished the people of the house good-evening and departed.