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They waked the child from its delicate sleep; its blue eyes opened wide and wise all on the instant, its round soft arm ran up to its mother's neck, and it said: "Don't c'y! I want to s'eep wif you! I'se so s'eepy!"

"Oh, Miss Edie!" gasped Hannibal. "It's Arden Lacey." Hannibal collapsed. He seemed to drop out of the realm of the supernatural to the solid ground of fact with a heavy thump. He sank into a chair, regarding her first with a blank, vacant face, which gradually became illumined with a knowing grin. In a low, chuckling voice, he said: "I jes declar to you I'se struck all of a heap.

The chance effect of light and shadow on a grey rock was hardly less human or more primitive. "I'se gittin' moughty well along, Marster," she said; "I reckon I'se gittin' on toward a hunnard." "Nonsense, Mandy, you ain't a day over thirty-five. There's a plenty of life left in you yet." "Go way f'om yer, Marster; you knows I'se a heap older 'n dat.

You've only got to use your eyes and your head to make them worth ten times as much to you as they are now." "Seems to me," said Sid Russell, "as if your head 'n eyes, or least ways your head is a mighty oncommon good one." "You're right dah, Mas' Sid," said Black Joe; "you're right for sartain. I'se dun see Mas' Sam do some mighty cur'ous things, I is.

"Something tell me Massah Hugh is hurted somewhar, and I'se gwine to find him. I knows all de way, an' every tree around dat place. I can hide from de 'Federacy. Dem Rebels let ole white-har'd nigger look for young massah, and I'se gwine. P'raps I not find him, but I does somebody some good. I helps somebody's Massah Hugh."

An' dat evenin' I'se tellin' yo' 'bout, he wuz talkin', an' he mention' Miss Anne's name. I see Marse Chan tu'n he eye 'roun' on 'im an' keep it on he face, an' pres'n'y Mr. Ronny said he wuz gwine hev some fun dyah yit.

Chad shook his head, and the old man straightened himself a bit. "I'se sorry to heah it, suh," he said, with dignity, and he turned to his work. Miss Lucy was not feeling well that morning and did not come down to breakfast. The boy was so pale and haggard that the Major looked at him anxiously. "What's the matter with you, Chad? Are you ?" "I didn't sleep very well last night, Major."

"Have you really, sir?" said Jupp, pretending to be much surprised at the information, the little chap evidently expecting him to be so. "Ess, man," cried the mite with a triumphant shout; "I'se dot po' 'ittle kitty here!" "Never, sir!" ejaculated Jupp with trembling eagerness, as if his life depended on the solution of the doubt.

A little while after the colored man had gone in the side entrance, through the cellar and into the coal bin, the two children heard him calling, as if from the ground beneath them. "I got de Lamb!" said the driver, in a voice that sounded far-off and rumbly. "Watch out, now! I'se gwine to frow it up de hole!" "All right!" said Arnold. "I'll catch her!"

When he had had an insight of the coveted goal and turned in that direction, he was accosted by a harsh voice, "Whar ye goin'?" "Well, sar; I'se on my way to visit the President." "This is not the day to see the President." "Well, I don't care anything about your arrangements; but this is my day to see him." "I guess not." "Captain, call the wagon and give this man a ride."