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Kitely, now, he was a townsman a London man. I'm a countrywoman. He didn't understand you couldn't get him to understand that it's not safe to go walking in lonely places in country districts like this late at night. When I'd got to know his habits, I expostulated with him more than once.

"Isn't it stupid of me? I'd forgotten I still had it. I've meant daily to give it back to the doctor, but I never think of it at the right moment." She fitted the key into the Yale lock, and in another moment the two were standing inside the dim and chilly hall, looking about them. A few circulars lay in a heap on the floor, there was a film of dust on the polished parquet.

"Good heavens! has he really all that money?" she exclaimed. "So I believe." "I'd be able to live the life I want, then. Learn to sing, have lovely dresses, and travel about. I'm not thinking only of his money, but don't you think people who marry on nothing are fools and selfish?

"Why, only for Frank's fetching that grape-vine along, and our pulling him up so neatly, he'd have had to let go his hold before now. And say, it was all of thirty feet down to the bottom of the hole from the rock he held on to; an ugly fall, I'd call it."

It's a long road, I know, when fo'k luk for'ards; but it's soon getten o'er, and when thaa looks back'ards it's nobbud short. I tell thee I've tramped it, and I durnd know as I'm a war woman for the journey. It's hard wark partin' wi' your own; but then theer's th' comfort o' havin' had 'em. I'd rayther hev a child and bury it, nor be baat childer, like Miriam Heap yonder.

And it frightened them when he, after handing Susan her change, had left only a two-dollar bill, four silver quarters and a dime. He gave the silver to the waiter. "Was that for a tip?" asked Susan. "Yes," said Fatty. "I always give about ten per cent of the bill unless it runs over ten dollars. In that case a quarter a person as a rule. Of course, if the bill was very large, I'd give more."

It was the very picture of what I'd read about an army in camp lines of tents and a crowd of men all spread out over a bit of land hardly big enough for a flock of sheep. Now and then a dog would bark now a revolver would go off. It was never quiet on Turon diggings, day or night. Well, there they all were, tents and diggers, claims and windlasses, pumps and water-wheels.

The day proved a nice one, and the Rover boys spent most of the time with the three girls, who were glad of their company once more. All speculated on the question of what had become of the Tacoma, and of what the folks at home would think concerning their prolonged absence. "I'd give a good deal to send a message home," said Dick. "We must cable as soon as we reach shore," added Dora.

I think I was delirious all night, and I remember thinking that if we were both going to die, at least I'd have things as orderly as possible. So I went around and pulled down all the first floor shades. Upstairs we always keep 'em drawn. And then I don't remember another thing till I came to and found you in the room." "And she didn't come a minute too soon," croaked Miss Charity.

"I'd like to claim that boy as my own discovery," he avowed, "but I can't not without fear of successful contradiction on Elliott's part. And in point of service it isn't fair to call him a boy, either, though I suppose both of us are old enough to be his father. He's Elliott's find.