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The tide ran up absolutely white in wide chords of a circle, and then, to the raw noise of disturbed shingle, the chord vanished; and in a moment was re-created. This play went on endlessly, hypnotising the spectators who, beaten by the wind and deafened by sound, stared and stared, safe, at the mysterious and menacing world of spray and foam and darkness. Before, was the open malignant sea.

One more look round the slopes over which the light is fading. The heroism of the defence! that, here, is the first thought. But on the part of the attackers there was a courage no less amazing, though of another sort; the effect of an iron discipline hypnotising the individual will, and conferring on the soldier such superhuman power of dying at another man's will as history on such a scale has scarcely seen equalled. In the first battle of Verdun, which lasted forty-eight days (February 21st to April 9th), the German casualties were over 200,000, with a very high proportion of killed. And by the end of the year the casualties at Verdun, on both sides, had reached 700,000. Opinion in Germany, at first so confident, wavered and dropped. Why not break off? But the dynasty was concerned. Fortune, toute entière

And a large measure of this success is due to the fact that I have discovered an infallible method of instantly hypnotising a patient without that patient's knowledge. They are hypnotised, but they don't know it; haven't the remotest suspicion of it. Then I convey to them a powerful suggestion that my treatment of them is going to be absolutely successful, and there you have the whole secret."

Golden tokens literally strewed the apartment, merely as effulgent settings for the mammoth, appalling, maddening array of jewels and precious stones, sunbursts and pearls without price, that gleamed like a transcendent electrical display in the hypnotising picture." There was more of the same kind, but it need not be set down here.

It is a pity that neither of us has the faculty of hypnotising. This would be the proper time to use it." "A great pity. But there are other things that will do almost as well." "What, for instance?" "A little ether in a sponge. He would only struggle a moment, and then he would be much more really unconscious than if he had been hypnotised." "Is it quite painless?"

The pen rose and fell with the rapidity of the cylinder of a motor-car. Wyatt, watching it, became suddenly aware that the thing was hypnotising him. In a minute or two he would be asleep. "I wish you wouldn't do that, father. Tap like that, I mean. It's sending me to sleep." "James!" "It's like a woodpecker." "Studied impertinence " "I'm very sorry. Only it was sending me off." Mr.

Above all, we have no neighbours That is to say, we must give out, for we cannot take in. Now, I put it to you, what is left for a priest with imagination, except to develop ritual and multiply gods on friezes? Unlimited leisure, limited space of two dimensions, divided by the hypnotising line of the River, and bounded by visible, unalterable death must, ipso facto 'Even so, I interrupted.

I saw the hollowness of the whole thing, and took Hemangini by the hand and led her to my own room. I gently stroked her face and arms and hair, and found that she was about fifteen years old, and very beautiful. As I felt her face, she suddenly burst out laughing and said: "Why! what are you doing? Are you hypnotising me?"

At first I could only stare and gape. Presently I began to have an inkling of what had happened. The scoundrel had almost succeeded in hypnotising me. That was a nice thing to happen to a man of my sort at my time of life. A shiver went down my back, what might have occurred if I had not pulled up in time! What pranks might a creature of that character not have been disposed to play.

She said she was trying to carry out her father's wish. And it certainly was his wish the will proves that. If anybody is hypnotising her, I should say it was he." "Well, I can't arrest him," said Simmonds, with a grin. "Her father's wishes may have had some weight with her at the outset," admitted Godfrey, "but they couldn't have driven her to the length to which she has gone. And about the will.