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The females of Phalaropus fulicarius and P. hyperboreus are larger, and in their summer plumage "more gaily attired than the males." But the difference in colour between the sexes is far from conspicuous. According to Professor Steenstrup, the male alone of P. fulicarius undertakes the duty of incubation; this is likewise shewn by the state of his breast- feathers during the breeding-season.

Anser hyperboreus, whiteness of. Antelope, prong-horned, horns of. Antelopes, generally polygamous; horns of; canine teeth of some male; use of horns of; dorsal crests in; dewlaps of; winter change of two species of; peculiar markings of. Antennae, furnished with cushions in the male of Penthe. Anthidium manicatum, large male of. Anthocharis cardamines; sexual difference of colour in.

In 1721 he journeyed over Europe, to examine mines and smelting works. He published, in 1716, his Daedalus Hyperboreus, and, from this time, for the next thirty years, was employed in the composition and publication of his scientific works. With the like force, he threw himself into theology. In 1743, when he was fifty-four years old, what is called his illumination began.

To the system of the Mare Acidalium undoubtedly belong the temporary lake called Lacus Hyperboreus and the Lacus Niliacus. This last is ordinarily separated from the Mare Acidalium by means of an isthmus or regular dam, of which the continuity was only seen to be broken once for a short time in 1888.

On Larus, Gavia, and Sterna, see Macgillivray, 'History of British Birds, vol. v. pp. 515, 584, 626. On the Anser hyperboreus, Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. iv. p. 562. On the Anastomus, Mr.

This produces in these regions very extensive lakes, such as that designated upon the map by the name of Lacus Hyperboreus; the neighboring interior sea called Mare Acidalium becomes more black and more conspicuous.