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A howl of disappointment went up from the crew. "Oh, if she was only within range," cried "Hay," smiting the breech of the five-inch rifle with his hand. "Just one shot, just one shot." "Guns' crews will remain at stations," ordered the first lieutenant from near the ladder. "Stand by, men. Be ready for instant action." "Hurray! the old man won't give it up," cheered "Stump," under his voice.

They are hull down; there's not a doubt but they're bringing the wind with 'em." "Hurray!" shouted the men, overjoyed at the prospect of moving at last. In a couple of hours the strangers had become distinctly visible, and the first faint puffs of the approaching breeze caused the sails to flap lazily against the yards.

I'll maybe ha'e to hurt ye in a meenute. . . . N' for it! He lifted up his voice. 'Hullo, Glesca Hielanders! It seemed an age until 'Right oh! came a cheerful response. 'Hurray! yelled Willie, and rose stiffly to his feet. Then with a final effort, he gave Macgregor the 'fireman's lift, and staggered and stumbled, amid shots from the other side, into safety.

As the boys ran to the door to see what could be the matter, and if the uproar had been induced by an accident to one of their competitors, they saw a sight that made their eyes dance. A small boy was laboriously dragging toward the shed the missing lever while the crowd pressed about him enthusiastically. "Hurray!" shouted the boys. "We'll be in the race after all."

Ned heard a muffled silence. "Tom! Tom!" he shouted frantically. "What's happened? Are you all right?" For nearly ten minutes Ned crouched by the instrument trying to get in touch with his friend. "Not so loud, old man! You've nearly broken my ear-drums. Everything's under control!" "Hurray!" shouted Ned. "He's found 'em, Captain Britten!" "Easy!" protested Tom from the depths.

"Did you pick them up, Jock?" squealed Mhor, who regarded Jock as the greatest living humorist, and now at the thought of the scattered kippers wallowed on the floor with laughter. Jock continued: "And another shell blew the turrety thing off The Towers and blew Mrs. Duff-Whalley right over the West Law and landed her in Caddon Burn " "Hurray!" yelled Mhor.

It had been a prearranged pact among the young Westleys not to greet the little stranger with any show of eagerness. Tibby welcomed the suggestion. "Oh let's!" she cried. It was at that moment that Pepperpot had barked his disapproval of the weather-worn lions. Graham and Gyp gave a shout of delight. "Look! Look a dog! Hurray!" "Maybe now mother will have to let us keep him," Graham added.

"Hurray," he yelled, "that's a bully waterfall!" and he thrust his whip into the stream to see it spatter, hopping about meantime. It was just at this instant that grandfather Stebbins came out of the barn, and, hearing the shout of the boy, looked over that way and took in the situation. He was over seventy, but he covered the ground from barn to barrel in most excellent time.

"Hurray for the treasure of the Sargasso!" shouted Billy, throwing up his hat and catching it again and almost upsetting the lamp in his enthusiasm. But his excitement received a sudden check. A man was racing by the house on a galloping horse and as he tore along he shouted the alarming cry of: "Fire! fire! fire!" They all raced out of the house and soon saw that the fire was some distance off.

"Good, good!" repeated Will, as Cricket, swaying and tugging, and bending backward almost double, came up like a steel wire. "Bravo! we'll soon have you champion lady wrestler in a dime museum. At him again! good enough! hurray!" for Cricket, slipping through Archie's grasp like a knotless thread, took him suddenly unawares, and fairly and squarely tripped him up.