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"Don't know yet but I'll do something," was the reply. "Looks like maple sugar candy," said Dick, gazing at the wax. "Wait! I've struck it!" cried Tom. "Just the thing! Hurray!" And his face brightened. "What is it, Tom?" asked both of his brothers. "I'll make William Philander Tubbs a present of this," was the reply. "Come on, and watch how I do it."

"Hurray!" shouted Mark's little party, as they drove the crew below in the forecastle; and after a guard was set, Tom Fillot came back to his officer, who stood talking to the American, while that worthy lit himself a cigar. "This is some dollars out o' my pocket, mister," he said. "Guess I wish that thar nigger had been drowned afore you brought him here. What air yew going to dew now?"

"Hurray!" said Fred, hardly knowing why, but cheering because the others did.

There was a quick movement, and the light was shut out by Bob Howlett, who rushed to his side and caught him by the shoulders. "Matter? There's nothing the matter now, old chap. Hip hip hip hurray! You are getting better, then?" "Better? Have I been ill?" "Ill?

Up he goes, up the bastion; bang goes t'other pistol; then he outs with his cutlass, a-roarin' hurray with a voice like a twelve pounder; down goes three o' them Moors; another breaks Jack's cutlass with his simitar; bless you, what's he care? don't care a straw, which his name is Strahan; he've got a fist, he have, an' he dashes it in the Moor's face, collars his simitar, cuts his throat and sings out, 'Ho, mateys! this 'ere fort's mine!

"Do about it?" cried Bert. "Why, we won't do anything about it, except to let them come. Say, this is the best news yet! Harry can go with me on the ice-boat. Hurray! Hurray!" "Yes, and Dorothy and I can skate on the lake!" said Nan. "Oh, how glad I am!" "We'll take them both to Snow Lodge!" cried Bert. "Now we won't have to look for any other boys or girls. Well have our own cousins!

"A half holiday, of course, boys," he added, and there was another hurray: there was to be no end to the cheering that day. "How's how's the family, sir?" Captain Davison asked. "Come in and see. Rosa's grown quite a lady. Dine with us, of course. Champion Major, come to dinner at five. Mr. Titmarsh, the pleasure of your company?"

Then, with the long, wooden rake the man began "combing," as Vi called it, the snow along the hill. There was no need to look in the middle, where the sleds slid down, for there the snow was packed hard, and anything, even smaller than a good-sized Japanese doll, could be seen easily. But Dick raked on each side in the soft snow. Pretty soon he cried: "Hurray!" "Did you find it?" asked Vi.

"Yes; they have the worst of it," he said, smiling. "And it strikes me they'd be very glad to Hurray! here's the wind again." For the surface of the sea was dappled with dark patches, and long before the boats could reach us, we were sailing gently away, certainly twice as fast as their crews could row. It is astonishing what effect those gentle breezes had upon our spirits.

After a long, dry-eyed stare at the familiar figure that had always seemed so unreal to him in the days when everything belonged to fairyland, Mr. Bingle dropped his eyes and began fumbling blindly for the bone-handled fork at his plate. He heard Frederick cry out: "I don't want to go away now, Daddy! Hurray! We've got Diggs and Watson back!"