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"Look, a file and a saw, left here by some of my workmen, perhaps," and he brought out the tools. He had found them behind a barrel in the far end of the compartment. "Hurray!" cried Ned. "That's the ticket! Now we'll soon show these fellows what's what!" "Go easy!" cautioned Tom. "We must work carefully. It won't do to slam around and try to break down the door with these.

"A delivery wagon?" "How?" These cries greeted what Bunny had said. "I'll take our Shetland pony, Toby, and deliver things for her in the little cart!" cried Bunny Brown. "If all of you will promise to buy as much as you can from her, I'll deliver things in our pony cart!" "Hurray for the pony express!" cried Charlie Star. "I'll help!"

"I'll sit by him and hold him in," offered Janet, and she remained close to her small brother during the remainder of the trip across the lake. He did not again try to lean far over as he had done when his grandfather saw him and grabbed him. "Hurray!" cried Teddy, as he sprang ashore. "Now for the camp! Can I help put up the tents, Grandpa?" "Yes, when it's time.

"And to the Historical Association for more," said Giles. "Old Oliver Dowd is an ex-secretary of it, and him at least we can capture beyond a doubt." "Hurray!" cried Little O'Grady, who had insisted on being present. That very afternoon he threw his "First Coinage of Venetian Sequins" back into the clay-box and started in on a relief of "The Earliest Issue of Wild-Cat Currency."

"I, for one, won't be content until I get back our airplane," said Frank, when the details were being discussed. "Probably we shall be able to recapture it, and then we can all four make our escape in it. The 'plane carries three easily and can be made to carry four at a pinch." "Hurray for you," cried Jack, delightedly. "That's a real idea." "I'll say so," declared Bob. "We can do it, too.

"Things are beginning to come our way, fellows!" he called out, as he held the coil up above his head triumphantly. "Hurray!" gurgled Toby, for it happened that just then he made a slip, and had a mouthful of muddy water come aboard, almost choking him.

Archibald and Sam watched, and in another moment the trapeze swung up and over so hard that it turned around and around in a regular circle. "Hurray! There she goes!" cried Pete. "Oh, look!" exclaimed Sam. "Say, that's great!" yelled Archibald. "I didn't know my Calico Clown could do that!"

"Here's the note I want, I think," he said, Selecting one. "Yes, this is it. 'Permission is hereby granted, he read, 'to Thomas Swift to visit, and so on, and so on. This is the stuff, Ned!" he cried. "What is it?" "A permit to visit the government proving grounds at Sandy Hook, Ned, and see 'em test that new big gun I was telling you about. Hurray!

I don't know just what is going on, but I think your father is going to try to arrange matters so Tom will not have to go back to the hermit's to live." "Hurray!" cried Bunny. "And while daddy is talking, I hope he'll ask everybody if they've seen my electric train." "And my Sallie Malinda," added Sue. "My nice 'lectric-eyed Teddy bear."

Your perfectly natural doubts will be laid at rest when I tell you that I hope to be accompanied by the Baron Rudolph von Blitzenberg." The Baron could no longer contain himself. "Himmel! Hurray! My dear friend, I vill go mit you to hell!" "That's very good of you," said Essington, "but you mistake my present destination. I merely wish your company as far as the Castle of Hechnahoul."