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But Rosa thought no more of that than a pretty lady does when her physician tells her she will die of tight lacing; not she! She was going to be put into that Sevres vase. This was enough for her, as it is enough for the lady that she is going to be put into a hundred-guinea ball gown. In she went.

As you wind up a hundred-guinea chronometer with a twopenny watch-key as by means of a dirty wooden plug you set all the waters of Versailles a-raging, and splashing, and storming in like manner, and by like humble agents, were Mrs. Catherine's tumultuous passions set going.

Old Tom Towler, the whip, who had toiled at his calling for twenty long years on fifty pounds and what he could 'pick up, was advanced to a hundred and fifty, with a couple of men under him. Instead of riding worn-out, tumble-down, twenty-pound screws, he was mounted on hundred-guinea horses, for which the dealers were to have a couple of hundred, when they were paid.

I feel now as if I'd been caught lifting the crown jewels, instead of giving a hundred-guinea performance for the price of a night's bed and board and coming away as poor as a tinker's ass." A smile caught at the corners of her mouth a twitching, memory smile. She was thinking of the note she had left folded in with the green-and-gold gown in Miriam St. Regis's trunk.

Behind him are two grooms in livery, nearly as well mounted as himself, and, greatly to my surprise, he is presently joined by Jim Rawlings, who last season held the post of first whipper-in. What manner of man is this who brings out four horses on the same day, and what does he want with them all? Such horses, too! There is not one of them that has not the look of a two hundred-guinea hunter.

"There would be nothing to tell." "Yes, there will; ever so much. They will be talking about me every hour. If you'll be true to me, Lucy, in this business, I'll make you the handsomest present you ever saw in your life. I'll give you a hundred-guinea brooch; I will, indeed. You shall have the money, and buy it yourself." "A what!" said Lucy. "A hundred guineas to do what you please with!"

His fees, towards the end of the year, were less than last year, because there was no hundred-guinea fee; but there was a marked increase in the small fees, and the unflagging pen had actually earned him two hundred pounds, or nearly. So he was in good spirits. Not so Mrs. Staines; for some time she had been uneasy, fretful, and like a person with a weight on her mind.

'The Pike has opened a column of subscriptions to defray the cost of proceedings, and they've engaged Battersby with a hundred-guinea retainer already. It appeared from what tidings Dick brought back from the town, that the Nationalists to give them the much unmerited name by which they called themselves were determined to show how they could dictate to a jury.

Jerry patted and talked to him a good deal, and very soon they understood each other, and Jerry said that with an easy bit and plenty of work he would be as gentle as a lamb; and that it was an ill wind that blew nobody good, for if his lordship had lost a hundred-guinea favorite, the cabman had gained a good horse with all his strength in him.

Deep-throated as a bull, erect as a lance, and pleased as a little child, Mahommed Gunga came to him alone that evening to talk, and to hear him talk, and to tell him of the plans that had been made. "Thy father gave me this," he told him, producing a gold watch and chain of the hundred-guinea kind that nowadays are only found among the heirlooms.